Amazon buys its first eleven aircraft itself

Source: added 07th Jan 2021

  • amazon-buys-its-first-eleven-aircraft-itself

Amazon now owns eleven Boeing aircraft 767 – 300. The online retail giant bought these from Delta Airlines and WestJet Airlines. “The expansion of the fleet supports Amazon’s growing clientele at a time when these goods are needed quickly,” says the press release.

Seven Airplanes come from Delta, four from WestJet – some of them are only being transferred 2022 to Amazon’s air fleet. It’s the first time the company has bought. So far, the fleet has consisted of aircraft that have been leased or rented. Sarah Rhoads, Vice President of Amazon Global Air, says it was a logical step for Amazon to buy its own aircraft. “A mix of leased and purchased aircraft in the growing fleet allows for better business coordination, which in turn helps keep pace with customer needs.”

According to Amazon, the four WestJet planes are currently being converted from passenger planes to transport planes. They should start delivering goods from March. The other planes are not ready until the following year. Amazon stated in the announcement that it will continue to rely on third-party providers to operate the aircraft.

million dollars for the skies Since Amazon Air was founded, hundreds of millions of dollars have been invested and thousands of jobs have been created. This summer the company announced plans to buy six million gallons of sustainable kerosene. Solar energy and the latest electrical technology will soon be used on the ground.

Last year, Amazon leased twelve additional cargo planes, also of the Boeing type, to meet the increasing demand in the corona crisis 767 – 300. The fleet thus consisted of more than 80 aircraft. In Leipzig-Halle, Amazon recently opened its first air freight center on European soil. Two more Boeing were leased when they opened. The prices are not known.


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brands: Amazon  Delta  Million  other  
keywords: Amazon  

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