CD Projekt RED officially apologizes for the state of Cyberpunk 2077. It also presents the direction of the development of the production (including free DLC)

Source: Pure PC added 14th Jan 2021

While there were more Cyberpunk reviews 2077, the trends were as follows – the game was either praised to the heavens or totally mixed with the mud. Probably no production has brought such ambivalent feelings. The defenders of Cyberpunk 2077 used the argument that “CP hating 77 is fashionable now “, and people strongly disappointed with the game spoke mainly about its underdevelopment, too fast release, and thus about a lot of bugs. Unfortunately, in the end, the game was not able to defend itself, especially in the last-generation console version, where it was practically unplayable. It seemed as though gamers and some reviewers did exaggerate when pointing out bugs, but the farther on, the more prominent editors were saying “CDPR – I’m disappointed.” This is the very disappointed tone of the review published yesterday on the Angry Joe channel, and although Joe may not be liked, the guy knows his stuff.

Marcin Iwiński, CD Projekt co-founder apologizes for the state of Cyberpunk 2077 on the day of its release. At the same time, it tells about the challenges posed by the game studio and reveals its future, including Free DLC.

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The avalanche did not go unnoticed. A statement by Marcin Iwiński, the co-founder of the company and one of its CEOs, has just appeared on the official website of the game, in which he apologizes for the state of the game, and informs about the plans for its development. All this as part of a new action entitled “Our Quality Assurance Promise”. Iwiński admits that, together with the management of CD Projekt, they are guilty of the state of the game for its premiere. “We are committed to fixing bugs and crashes, and will continue to work and improve the game with future updates to ensure you enjoy the game regardless of platform.” – we read in the statement – “We will use this place (the website of the game – ed.) to inform you about the progress in the further development of Cyberpunk 2077, including updates and enhancements, free DLCs, and more. Below is a personal explanation of CD Projekt co-founder about what the days before launch looked like, and outlining the studio’s view of what happened to the legacy game. “

The material in which Iwiński apologizes for the state of the game for the premiere and ensures that the intention of CD Projekt has never been to deceive players around the world.

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In the above material, Iwiński explains that before the premiere, the game, according to CD Projekt RED, did not have many noticeable problems, or at least not the ones that appeared later on our PCs. Personally, I can believe these words, because during my playthrough twice, I witnessed only a few bugs. That’s why I was so surprised how many of them appear during other players’ gameplay. The co-founder of CD Projekt also notes that the game was not helped by the pandemic, i.e. working from home and difficult communication. Currently, the studio has released three hotfixes, but there will be more updates to fix bugs and improve stability on all platforms. At least two more larger patch packages are planned during this year. Free DLC will not appear until the studio is fully satisfied with the game, which I estimate will be after the aforementioned two more major patches. At the very end, in the second half of the year 2021, a free update will be available for owners of next-gen consoles who are currently playing in backward compatibility. In the meantime, we can of course still expect minor updates.

Source: CDPR