Covidzone: use this site if you want to know what area your region is in every day

Source: HW Upgrade added 20th Jan 2021

  • covidzone:-use-this-site-if-you-want-to-know-what-area-your-region-is-in-every-day

You want to know every day in which area is your region due to the latest restrictions on the Coronavirus pandemic? The site is for you because it will allow you to immediately understand the color of the region and above all you will find a vademecum on authorized activities and those that cannot be done.

by Bruno Mucciarelli published , at 12: 01 in the web channel

We are still, unfortunately, in full pandemic since COVID – 19 and this clearly does nothing but maintain all those rules and prohibitions that allow us to maintain the distance and also automatically reduce the contagion. However, travel restrictions continue to rage all over the world and especially in Italy where it was decided to create a system with colored zones which allows you to loosen or narrow, based on parameters of contagion, the regions and therefore also the movements inside or outside them. here is the site to understand the color of the region

However, it is not always easy or immediate to understand in what color your region is or above all what activities are permitted and those prohibited by government measures. Here then comes a site, , well made by Asusual Lab and which allows you to have immediate a complete view of what is the situation in your region. Red, Orange or Yellow Zone, the map that is placed on the right will allow you to select your region and to understand specifically which activities are prohibited and above all which ones that can be done.

The portal is not for profit because it was created by a group of developers who set it up exclusively to help users who every day have to understand what they can do, if they can go out and how they can do it. The site has a top dashboard where a real calendar has been placed which can be scrolled to understand in the days of the week if there will be color changes. As mentioned previously, it is possible to click on the region and have a summary on the left with all the prohibitions and permits for each citizen. The link to the self-certification for travel in work or emergency situations is convenient.

Finally, the new switch that it also allows you to have a view on the progress of vaccines. In this case, having selected the region, simply go to the ” VACCINE DATA ” switch and once selected the page will show all the official information from from the government site on numbers on the administration of anti-covid vaccines for that particular region selected with the percentage of doses already administered compared to those delivered.