Cyberpunk 2077: Player numbers drop sharply

Source: Hardware Luxx added 07th Jan 2021

  • cyberpunk-2077:-player-numbers-drop-sharply

Although the futuristic RPG Cyberpunk 2077 had to struggle with major technical problems at the launch and as before, the high number of players promised a ray of hope for the studio to be behind the title. On Steam alone, the game had over a million players in just 3 hours, breaking the previous record for the most active players in a single-player game by far. Now, almost four weeks later, the euphoria seems to have finally subsided and disillusionment has given way.

According to an analysis by GitHyp, there were only 200 of the over one million players on Sunday. 000 left. On Monday this value was already at 165. 000. Currently the number is in the range of 150. 000 active player. Compared to the release on 10. 12. this corresponds to a clear minus – and the trend doesn’t seem to want to end.

Although it is generally quite common in single-player games for the number of players to drop significantly within the first few weeks, they are straight Open-world-based titles were actually less affected by the decline. A comparison with the RPG title The Witcher 3 from the same company illustrates the problem. The adventure about Geralt started in May 2015 with only 92. 000 players, but after one month there was still an active number of 55. 000 hold. It wasn’t until three months after its release that the game experienced a decline similar to that of Cyberpunk 2077 after only four weeks.

It remains to be seen whether CD Project Red will use the for June planned, extensive bug fixes will be able to bring players back. After all, there are regular messages on the internet from players who want the gaming experience to take place after the technical problems have been resolved. However, this is more likely to be a minority. Because regardless of gameplay bugs and graphic errors, the game is now also criticized in many other aspects. For example, the modest AI of opponents and other NPCs or the lack of content in general, which was previously advertised, should be mentioned here.

Just recently a post appeared on the GameFAQs page, which allegedly came from an employee of the studio. In it, he specifically describes what was cut out to meet the deadline by 10. 12. 2020 must be observed. In addition, he also speaks of internal considerations to want to submit some things in the middle of this year in the form of a DLC. So far it is unclear whether you can believe the post, CD Project Red has not yet commented on it. Even if it is true, it remains to be seen to what extent a release of further content will affect the number of players.