Dead or Alive and its “hot” mods: the authors of a DVD for adults denounced

Source: HW Upgrade added 08th Jan 2021

  • dead-or-alive-and-its-“hot”-mods:-the-authors-of-a-dvd-for-adults-denounced

The Dead or Alive series is particularly known to fans of fighting games, and beyond. The latest episode of the spin-off series Xtreme attracted the attention of modders and some crafty who entered the crosshairs of a furious Koei Tecmo: denounced the producer of a DVD that contained risque scenes.

by Pasquale Fusco published , at 09: 01 in the Videogames channel

Since its debut in the arcades of the years’ 90, the series Dead or Alive has always paid particular attention to its roster, particularly with regard to female characters. DoA’s digital beauties are famous around the world, thanks to the spin-off series Xtreme , which brings the fighters on a tropical island for a beach volleyball tournament.

From the latest iteration of the Xtreme series – such Venus Vacation – comes a cheeky mod that removes the (few) veils of the protagonists of DoA. From this mod a collection of videos aimed at an adult audience was obtained, a move that triggered the wrath of Koei Tecmo .

The protagonists of DoA denuded by a mod: Koei Tecmo replies

As announced via an official release, the Japanese publisher of Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation decided to lodge a complaint against the anonymous author of a DVD that contained explicit clips from the game in question; game in which, in addition, a specific mod was used that removes the clothing of each character.

The DVD on which the “hot” scenes were burned was sold on an auction site , attracting the attention of the public and Koei Tecmo herself. After analyzing the content, the publisher sued the authors for “removing the characters’ clothes” portrayed in the films, as well as for the copyright infringement linked to the franchise by Dead or Alive.

In the above press release we read that Koei Tecmo has just started both civil and criminal action against the alleged DVD producer, also requesting the return of the material that was distributed without the approval of the publisher of Venus Vacation.

As for the latest spin-off of the famous fighting game, let’s talk about a simple free-to-play title that integrates some gacha mechanics: players will have the ability to customize Venus Festival contestants with exclusive swimwear and other accessories.