Digital sovereignty and the European cloud Gaia-X: Many questions in the digital committee

Source: added 29th Oct 2020

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The Gaia-X project aims to realize a digitally sovereign, European cloud based on open source and open standards. And there are obviously some questions about this, as the hearing in the Bundestag committee on the digital agenda showed.

Under the direction of Manuel Höferlin ( FDP), the committee asked experts about Gaia-X. The lawyer Prof. Dr. Axel Metzger from the Humboldt University Berlin, Andreas Weiss from the Eco-Verband, Dr. Sven Herping (New Responsibility Foundation), Fabian Biegel (SAP), Elisabeth Lindinger (Superrr Lab) and Peter Ganten (Univention / OSB Alliance).

Information asymmetry and more competition In their initial statements, the experts were initially able to present their key statements before a good 90 – one minute question and answer session. The lawyer Metzger explained, for example, how the GDPR has shifted the focus of the data strategy: Today it is more about promoting data use and data rooms in Europe without endangering data protection. This opens up opportunities, but requires functioning markets. “We need more competition in digital markets.” One must think about forcing providers to offer alternative (data-saving) payment models, i.e. data- and fee-driven business models. In contract law, data must be stipulated in return, and information models for consumers and companies are needed. The “information asymmetries” are only difficult to understand. Graphically simplified privacy icons could show how data-intensive a service is, says Metzger. EU legislation is only just beginning.

Sven Herpig from the New Responsibility Foundation called for an official definition of digital sovereignty. “We need this, preferably at EU level, so that interest representatives cannot interpret what they want.” In his opinion, the focus should be on fundamental rights. European products are not automatically safe either. Risk analyzes and models, including modern access protection, are needed. It should also be clarified how the data is present, whether encryption and how and where processing takes place. Here, the dependence on non-EU providers is currently very high, for example in machine learning. Furthermore, all Gaia-X components would have to meet at least the same safety standards as the established competitors on the market. Open source is central, secure and trustworthy data processing is important for success, and in the end Gaia-X is measured by its security.

eco and SAP Andreas Weiss from the Association of the Internet Industry eco emphasized the federal, self-determined and self-organized concept of Gaia X and its services, Fabian Biegel (SAP) emphasizes the importance of data and the large market : “With open data, millions could very easily be saved from dying from malaria.”

He asks whether total data sovereignty is still possible, and as a minimum demands freedom of choice, that is is no longer the case “if you are dependent on a few large manufacturers. (…) We need user networks and provider structures that provide data. Gaia-X is a contribution to such transparent ecosystems”, also to take advantage of the economies of scale of the systems that dominate the market balance the US. SAP sets the bar high and wants to help with Gaia-X, “set the gold standard for data sovereignty.”

Open data and more The expert Elisabeth Lindinger from the Superrr Lab, invited by the left, names three measures as necessary for a European strategy for more technological sovereignty:

promoting the development and maintenance of digital infrastructure components (libraries, protocols, interfaces, …); a changed self-image of public institutions as an active part of the open source ecosystem (open source as part of procurement guidelines; publication of their own software under open licenses ; strengthening digital civil society and recognizing digital volunteering. Data should also be used by public administration be accessible to civil society and usable for the common good. “Cities like Eindhoven and Barcelona are exemplary in ensuring this through public data governance that data that is collected in the public space or in the course of public contracts becomes common property. ”

Not only the US hyperscalers copy Peter Ganten, Board Member of the Open Source Business Alliance – Federal Association for Digital Sovereignty eV explains that the motivation for Gaia-X comes from the desire for digital sovereignty and delivers also a definition: “The core of the term digital sovereignty is the ability as an individual, organization or state to be able to determine by whom and in what way the data generated or stored by the entity in question can be used.”

Digital sovereignty understood in this way is indispensable for the future of Europe for various reasons, in a further digitized world it is even a basic requirement for the innovative capacity of companies and other organizations. Without digital sovereignty, trustworthy communication and high data protection standards cannot be achieved, explains Ganten.

Our digital sovereignty is limited by software, which brings back doors and business models that collect and monetize data in a non-transparent way, and That is also one of the reasons why providers like Microsoft are pushing more and more into the cloud. Repairing that is a long task, only if it succeeds we can protect the data of citizens and promote the medium-sized economy.

Ganten warns against copying the hyperscalers from the USA or China, he calls for an open market for free applications to be created. “That is only possible with a free, distributed platform that allows you to offer your own services – with federations that work as easily as they do today within the Walled Gardens.” The exclusive use of OSS is of central importance. “GaiaX takes up the success concept of the Internet, with networking and federations.” A new wave of innovation based on European values ​​could emanate from here, regardless of hyperscalers.

Long round of questions In the following question and answer session, the general openness of all politicians towards the Gaia-X project was surprising. From the AfD to the left, the questions asked were factual and conspicuously clearly oriented towards the benefit for companies and citizens. The CDU asks about the greatest challenges, Andreas Weiss from Eco mentions the complexity of the project: “The technological implementation and the creation of the framework.” But it is “quite impressive what happened here” – and: “We don’t have a blueprint either.”

The SPD asked Herpig: How could the funding specifically look? He explains that it is important to ensure that new technologies are promoted, but also that the silverware is not lost again. He points to the negative example of Secusmart, now a Canadian company.

The promotion of OSS is the core of the safe development of Gaia-X and interoperability, explains the man from the new responsibility – she be the only viable way. Secure data processing is also “only possible using open standards, even if GaiaX cannot handle it internally.” In view of the GDPR and the Schrems II ruling, the AfD asks what international data processing should look like, what solution do you see for the future? Prof. Metzger: “Gaia-X offers the opportunity to offer a European solution for these specifications for data transmission in third countries. And if it works as desired, one or the other data transmission will no longer be necessary. Gaia-X is an important one Module. ”

Biggest risk for SAP? Not to be there. The FDP’s question: “What is the greatest risk for your company around Gaia-X?”, The SAP representative answered in the first sentence with: “Not to be there.” It is about nothing less than breaking the old systems into data ecosystems, as the core of the digital transformation. “We need a holistic model within the industry – concept.” When asked as a representative of the SMEs, Ganten replied: “This is the unique opportunity for software providers in Europe to participate in a new market. Be there from the start. Yes, it may still be possible in a few years, but it is now the right time. The substructure, the Sovereign Cloud Stack SCS, should leave Gaia-X services and data reliably in its own data center. This is the opportunity for medium-sized companies to make products that are successful worldwide. ”

Again Ganten to the question of the Greens, what about open source hardware: It is true, only if you control the firmware, you are protected from backdoors. But that is not the scope of Gaia-X, but “you cannot solve all problems at once”. The CDU / CSU asks about the schedule, the Eco-Chef answers: In the short term, the implementation of Federation Services, which are the core services, is a “two-year goal”. 2021 should come the first release, which “makes the functional available”. Gaia-X is an ecosystem, a reference implementation is possible.

“A German-French liaison” Weiss explains that the development is mainly taking place in Germany and France (“a Franco-German liaison”), but other colleagues from other countries are also increasingly contributing ideas. He raves about the “wonderful approach”, a “common goal” and speaks of the tremendous challenge. Next question: Who is the contact person for SMEs? “Clubs and associations like eco are the bridgeheads and door openers”. But the greatest difficulty is not the membership, but simply finding your own staff in order to ensure sustainable innovation potential and the long-term availability of the products.

The incubation potential of Gaia-X is great, explains the eco representative, for example in terms of machine learning and artificial intelligence. And the lawyer Metzger wonders whether “the incentive function of patent law is successful? (…) I have difficulty recognizing innovation-promoting aspects in this area. The classic approach of patent law makes sense in classic industry, in combination with hardware, machines, devices “- but otherwise this is no longer an issue on the agenda today.


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