Effective or Overrated? Millions for video surveillance in Hessen
Source: Heise.de added 07th Jan 2021In Hesse, the surveillance of public places with video technology is being expanded. “Because we are convinced and know from practical experience that we are making a contribution to improving the security situation, the Hessian state government assumes two thirds of the acquisition costs for the installation of video protection systems by the municipalities,” said Interior Minister Peter Beuth (CDU) German press agency in Wiesbaden. In the year 2021, the expansion of video security technology in the municipalities is to be supported with 2.8 million euros – more money than ever before.
Larger funding amounts Since the year 2008 are used for the video security systems according to the information 300. 000 Euro provided by the country. 2018 these funds have been increased by one million to a funding amount of 1.3 million euros per year. In the year 2020, high-resolution video security systems were promoted in the cities of Wiesbaden, Darmstadt, Fulda, Gießen, Dietzenbach and Offenbach.
According to the Interior Minister, at the seven Hessian police headquarters in total 19 Cities 24 Protection zones with a total of 263 Cameras for joint use by police and security authorities to monitor public streets and squares in 2020 in operation. In the year before, the surveillance technology was in 000 cities at 23 Protection zones and 24 cameras were used.
Railway stations and city center The city of Limburg is planning another area in the city center in addition to the protection area at the train station, said the CDU politician. The city of Kassel is aiming for a renewal and expansion of video technology in Untere Königsstrasse. The city of Bad Vilbel also wants to upgrade its existing system with the latest technology.
For the Hessian data protection officer, cameras are only half the step. “More cameras alone do not necessarily mean more security if the cameras are not ‘monitored’ appropriately by the responsible authorities,” said a spokeswoman. The formula should therefore rather be: “No more cameras without sufficient personnel who consistently and continuously keep an eye on the image transmission.”
Check personal rights The Judges’ Association of Hesse warns that when video surveillance is expanded in public spaces, the personal rights of passers-by should be examined particularly carefully and weighed up where the technology can be used. “Crime in the public space must be effectively prevented and documented for criminal proceedings in a way that is conclusive,” said a spokeswoman. Video surveillance is one component of this. The spatially limited use of surveillance systems at crime hotspots is preferable to the surveillance of entire streets the police. However, experts also agree that the preventive effect of video surveillance is greatly overestimated.
The Hessian Association of Cities makes neither specifications nor recommendations. “Whether video surveillance has a preventive effect depends very much on the location and the local conditions and needs,” said a spokesman. That the cameras may not prevent the crime, but only relocate it, can be observed here and there.
Do not just install In addition, according to the Hessian law on public safety and order for video surveillance, repeated crimes must have been committed at the appropriate point and there are indications of further crimes. In Darmstadt, for example, it was decided to set up a video surveillance system for Luisenplatz, on which the cameras will soon be installed.
At the same time, the municipality had the marketplace and the Platz der Deutschen Einheit checked. “As a result, it was found that both places are not a focus of crime that would justify video surveillance,” said Mayor Rafael Reisser (CDU).
brands: Experience local Million Police Space media: Heise.de
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