Fiber optic direct connections: Vodafone changes strategy

Source: added 28th Nov 2020

  • fiber-optic-direct-connections:-vodafone-changes-strategy

Vodafone intends to concentrate more on upgrading its own cable networks in the future when it comes to fiber optic expansion in Germany. A company spokesman confirmed a corresponding report by the Rheinische Post on Thursday. “In the future, we will rededicate parts of our previous fiber optic activities and bring them into the cable network.”

In return, Vodafone is reducing the recruitment of new fiber optic coverage areas in its “GigaGemeinde” and “GigaGewerbe” programs, in which the fiber-optic lines up to relocated to the customer. The focus in this area is on increasing the order backlog for 150. 000 households and 23. 000 company to process. “Here, over the next 15 months, we want to finish building what has been asked of us.”

Bottlenecks in the backbone network? New fiber optic projects are to be acquired “primarily in the area of ​​funded community projects and commercial areas based on great customer demand” will. With the change in strategy, Vodafone is also responding to the needs of customers who are brought into the Internet via TV cable. Vodafone offers maximum speeds of one gigabit per second, but in a number of cases this cannot be made continuously available. Especially at peak times in the evening, the provider has difficulties making the high bandwidth available across the board. This indicates bottlenecks in the backbone network that could be eliminated with targeted fiber optic expansion.

“We want to meet the bandwidth hunger with investments,” the “Rheinische Post” quotes a Vodafone spokesman. “To this end, we are now redirecting future parts of our previous fiber optic activities.


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keywords: Gigabit  Internet  TV  

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