GeForce RTX 3080 and RTX 3090 test at 3440×1440 resolution with HDR

Source: Pure PC added 16th Oct 2020

  • geforce-rtx-3080-and-rtx-3090-test-at-3440×1440-resolution-with-hdr

GeForce RTX 3080 and GeForce RTX 3090 are the hottest premieres of recent months, offering really satisfying performance at high resolutions. Ampere Capabilities in Settings 1920 x 1080, 2560 x 1440 and 3840 x 2160 should be well known to everyone, although questions about the health of the new NVIDIA flagships in resolution 3440 x 1440. Although the popularity of ultrametamorphic displays is relatively small, I decided to prepare a separate article for users 21: 9 using AOC Agon AG monitor 353 UCG. This also allowed you to check the performance of GeForce RTX 3080 and GeForce RTX 3090 with HDR enabled 1000.

Author: Sebastian Oktaba

Standard test procedures have their own rules – they cover the most popular settings and resolutions, although apart from the big three (Full HD, WQHD and UHD) there are many other formats. However, it is impossible to check them all in one go. Among the niche solutions, because they account for less than 1% of displays according to Steam statistics and our own, the most popular resolution is 3440 x 1440. UWQHD monitors have quite decent matrices, the availability of models with high refreshment is wide, and the proportions 21: 9 is generally good for gaming. Compared to the resolution 3840 x 2160, the pattern can cover more space on the sides, where usually there are more important elements than those located at the top or bottom of the screen. The maximum field of view of the human eye is, moreover, the widest horizontally, so using the format 21: 9 turns out to be very comfortable. It is also worth noting that 3440 x 1440 needs little more performance than 2560 x 1440, making we can enjoy a higher resolution with adequate fluidity, because 3840 x 2160 can already dig even the GeForce RTX 3090. The range of benefits is really convincing.

GeForce RTX 3080 and RTX 3090 on the AOC Agon AG monitor 353 UCG in resolution 3440 x 1440 with HDR 1000. A side dish for the salad is 200 Hz refreshing and G-Sync Ultimate support.

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Used in AOC Agon AG testing 353 The UCG is an outstanding monitor that definitely deserves a more detailed description, of course it offers a resolution of 3440 x 1440 in the format 21: 9, otherwise he would not be the hero of today’s comparison, however, the advancement of this device is demonstrated by the remaining technical specifications.First of all, AOC Agon AG 353 UCG supports HDR 1000 and HDR 10, displaying a wide tonal spectrum of the presented images. The brightness range is defined by the ratio of the brightest point to the darkest point, and In practice, this means a more realistic representation of scenes, e.g. blinding sun and selective blackness. The maximum image refresh rate is 200 Hz, while the hardware NVIDIA G-Sync Ultimate module is responsible for synchronization. In addition, we also have a curved screen, independent 512 zone illumination (FALD) and very thin frames that form the AOC Agon AG monitor 353 UCG almost the perfect display for gaming. Unfortunately, the uncompromising equipment has a measurable price that exceeds PLN 9000. However, to slow down the drooping jaws a bit, I would like to point out that the tested device is the cheapest with such parameters and one of only three available on the market.

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wonder – who needs a HDR monitor that costs more than a GeForce RTX graphics card 3090, since there is simply a lack of computer games that support this technique? Widespread HDR support is mainly identified with with consoles, where it actually begins to be considered the standard thanks to the rapid implementation on TVs. A similar belief prevails among most PCs … Meanwhile, when I looked through the list of titles offering HDR I was a bit surprised, because it turns out to be available in most of the new productions that I regularly use in performance tests. It is implemented better in some places, worse in some places, n ie

Read the full article at Pure PC

brands: AOC  NVIDIA  RTX  SUN  Ultimate Support  
media: Pure PC  
keywords: Games  Gaming  

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