GraphQL Editor 3 enables export of JAMStack sites and bundles

Source: added 29th Oct 2020

  • graphql-editor-3-enables-export-of-jamstack-sites-and-bundles

The third major version is available for the editor of the open source query language GraphQL. The development team behind the GraphQL Editor classifies the release as the largest since the project began. In addition to a number of new features, the update mainly brings changes to the user interface.

Revised hierarchy view The new version of the GraphQL Editor offers a revised hierarchy view as well a new organizer mode, which should accelerate the creation and navigation through GraphQL schemes.

The Faker, apparently one of the most popular functions of the users, has also received an update. With FakerQL, users can send queries, mutations and subscriptions for fake data. The latest revisions allow developers to specify Faker values ​​from faker.js as well as an array of values ​​to pick a random value from that array. Users can also activate dark mode.

Export JAMStack sites and bundles The development team behind the editor offers developers the option to export JAMStack -Export sites and bundles. JAMStack stands for JavaScript, APIs and markup. The JAMStack method is a popular method for creating faster websites and applications and promises better scalability and a secure infrastructure.

To users the documentation of a GraphQL schema

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