heise offer: Extended: Early bird discount for the betterCode () C ++ 20 until January 8, 2021

Source: Heise.de added 16th Dec 2020

  • heise-offer:-extended:-early-bird-discount-for-the-bettercode-()-c-++-20-until-january-8,-2021

Due to the start of the nationwide lockdown and the associated pre-Christmas stress, also among developers, the betterCode () organizers have decided to open the early bird window further: Tickets for the online event for the new standard C ++ 20 are now a little longer, namely until January 8th 2021.

Live from Germany, Switzerland and New York At the 21. January 2021 organize heise Developer and dpunkt.verlag together with Bjarne Stroustrup, the inventor of C ++, and other experienced experts an online day on C ++ 20. All lectures will take place as a live stream in the browser, Bjarne Stroustrup is connected to the event from New York and will answer questions from the audience about C ++ in the moderated final round. This AMA (Ask Me Anything) session takes place in English, the questions can be asked in German. Bjarne Stroustrup’s keynote is in English, the rest of the conference will take place in German.

What do the new ones bring Features? Where does the C ++ programming language come from, which design principles it follows and what C ++ is about 20, explains Bjarne Stroustrup in the keynote. Members of the ISO standard committee then present the individual features: Concepts as the next generation of templates and how developers use them themselves, explains Andreas Ready. Daniela Engert goes on the trail of the C ++ modules and provides an introduction to the new feature. Detlef Vollmann presents the coroutines: He teaches developers how to use coroutines in C ++ for multithreading. Nico Josuttis introduces C ++ libraries, especially the ranges library newly introduced in C ++ 20. Peter Sommerlad offers a practical deepening in the type system in modern C ++ with his lecture on Strong Typing. All lectures are firmly anchored in practice with concrete examples.

At the pulse of C ++ development After each lecture, the participants can talk extensively with the respective experts in a Q&A session before the program continues. There is an exchange between the participants and speakers in the chat and by direct message, in the Q&A room participants can also connect with sound and images. In addition to the conference day, Nico Josuttis and Rainer Grimm will each offer a full-day workshop in February 2021. During the practical day on best practices for C ++ and the crash course C ++ 20, C ++ developers can develop their practical skills under expert guidance.

An early bird rate applies until January 8th 2021 for tickets and combination tickets for the C ++ event. Participation in the conference costs in the early bird phase 21 euros, afterwards 199 Euro. The workshops cost individually 449 Euro (all prices plus 19% VAT), there are inexpensive combination tariffs and, on request, group tickets for teams. Schoolchildren and students receive a discount. The event team answers inquiries.

About the process On the betterCode website () C ++ 20 is the program with information on the process, the speakers and the individual lectures. Interested parties will also find further links and the current status of planning there. Afterwards, the participants will receive a video recording and the presentations.


Read the full article at Heise.de

brands: Best  longer  New  other  Pulse  Team  
media: Heise.de  
keywords: Sound  Speakers  

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