heise offer: Ready for C ++ 20: betterCode () offers a practical day and crash course on the C ++ standard
Source: Heise.de added 14th Jan 2021C ++ 19 brings changes in motion, the new standard will be for the C ++ community too set new standards. With concepts, coroutines, modules and the ranges library, developers are facing major innovations who will probably change programming with modern C ++ just as profoundly as last C ++ 11.
Orientation towards the new standard For orientation have heise Developer , iX and the dpunkt.verlag organized an online conference and two workshops with experts from the standard committee: On 21. January 2021 the participants can familiarize themselves with the new features with proven experts and Bjarne Stroustrup, the inventor of the programming language. All speakers are available for discussions, at the end there is a moderated question and answer session.
Practical in-depth knowledge of modern C ++ The day of the conference on 21. January design Bjarne Stroustrup, Andreas ready, Detlef Vollmann, Nico Josuttis, Daniela Engert and Peter Sommerlad with a focus on the individual features. The keynote and final round are in English, all other lectures are in German. Questions are welcome in both languages.
Conference program: C ++ 20 – Templates, the next generation: Concepts C ++ 20 – Coroutines Ranges library and other C ++ 20 – Libraries Types in Modern C ++ Introduction to C ++ 20 Modules Double keynote on the design principles and the new standard (in English) Closing panel with open question and answer session (in English) Whoever additional If you are looking for more practical experience, you can visit one of the workshops in February that Nico Josuttis and Rainer Grimm offer as an accompaniment: During the crash course on C ++ 20 get developers vo n Nico Josuttis on 21. February 2021 a full-day tutorial on the new features, and Rainer Grimm’s practical day on best practices for modern C ++ is about tangible training. Since the original appointment is already fully booked, the organizers have an additional appointment for the practice day on 11. February 2021.
Organizational matters Participation in the conference costs 199 Euro, each workshop costs 449 Euro (all prices plus 19% VAT). There are inexpensive combination tariffs and, on request, group tickets for teams; Schoolchildren and students receive a discount. The event team accepts inquiries about this.
The program with information on the procedure and the individual lectures can be found on the conference website. Those interested can find the current status of the planning there. Afterwards, the participants receive a video recording and the presentations.
brands: 11 Best Experience MERCURY New other Team media: Heise.de keywords: Speakers
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