heise + | PowerShell: Build cmdlets yourself with C # and Visual Basic .NET

Source: Heise.de added 28th Nov 2020

  • heise-+-|-powershell:-build-cmdlets-yourself-with-c-#-and-visual-basic.net

PowerShell: Build cmdlets yourself with C # and Visual Basic .NET The verb-noun model A first cmdlet in. NET Compile, Import, and Use Cmdlet Extending applications with cmdlets Module manifest via PowerShell script System administrators love one-liners. In PowerShell, tasks can be easily automated by linking commands. You don’t even have to be able to program for this, because PowerShell was developed from the start for administrative management and the exchange of structured data. Their basic commands are called cmdlets. Each cmdlet only ever fulfills one task, which is then highly reliable. PowerShell forms the framework in which the user runs the cmdlets and uses the pipeline to create a connection for passing information between different cmdlets. These are also known to other shells, but PowerShell does not pass text on, but structured data in the form of .NET objects. The output stream of one cmdlet becomes the input stream of the other.

The So the power of a cmdlet does not lie in being a monolithic program, but in being able to combine many small functional units with one another to create something larger and more useful. Some call this the “Lego nature” of PowerShell. For their “inventor”, Jeffrey Snover, they are monads like Leibniz: Small fundamental units that come together to create something bigger than they are to fulfill a common purpose.

What inspires admins can be a nightmare for normal users and helpdesk employees when it comes to IT software. For quick help on the phone, the latter would like programs with buttons, check boxes and dropdown menus, but no command line. So a decent graphical user interface is needed so that every user of the help desk can operate the program efficiently. At the same time, developers should also consider cmdlets so that admins can more easily automate the task of the program under the hood. This article is a first step into the world of the practicality of cmdlets. He shows you how to create your first small applications in C # and Visual Basic.NET that offer both: A simple, functional GUI and the ability to work with cmdlets.

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media: Heise.de  
keywords: Phone  Review  Software  

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