heise + | The forgotten home computers of the 80s

Source: Heise.de added 31st Oct 2020

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Table of Contents The forgotten home computers of the 80 years Tinkering with the CPU The class of 1977 People’s Computer Well meant: The MSX Alliance Late competition The better is the good enemy Article in c’t 27 / 2020 read Development of the home computer s From the battle of Market shares and children’s rooms emerged as clear winners in the 8-bit era Commodore and Sinclair. But in the early many more home computers to buyers – some are still fondly remembered, but many have been forgotten. Some devices could have rivaled the successful models from a technical point of view, but failed for various reasons. You should get another stage here.

Tinkering with the CPU middle of 1970 More and more affordable computer kits appeared and laid the foundation for a “hacker” culture. 1975 IT hobbyists joined in Silicon Valley to form the “Homebrew Computer Club”. In the same year the US company MITS released the single board computer Altair 8800, which is based on Intel’s US dollars, in a rectangular case 620 dollar cost. A BASIC interpreter for this was the first product of the start-up dwarf Microsoft, at that time still operating as “Micro-Soft”.

1976 the chip manufacturer MOS brought its “Keyboard Input Monitor”. With in-house 6502 – CPU, 24 buttons and seven LEDs, KIM-1 is the platform for the first commercial computer game, “MicroChess” by Peter Jennings.

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brands: Intel  Microsoft  
media: Heise.de  
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