How to record calls with Android

Source: Geeknetic added 29th Oct 2020

  • how-to-record-calls-with-android

Importance of call recordings

On certain occasions, we will encounter situations in which we are interested in recording the calls we receive or make , either due to delicate, legal issues, or simply to be able to remember what we have talked about in a certain call with someone, because unlike messages written in messaging services such as email, or even instant messaging such as WhatsApp and Telegram , in the case of calls it is quite easy to forget some data and it will be practically lost if we do not manually write it down somewhere.

Ways to record phone conversations on Android

There are two main ways to record conversations telephone numbers that we make in our terminal, being the first using the software with which our factory terminal arrives, and the second using third-party software .

As a general rule, it will always be preferable to use the applications that are included in our terminal, because on the one hand they are not subject to all the restrictions imposed by Google on this type of applications, and after all, we reduce the consumption of resources in our terminal thanks to the fact that it is generally the application in charge of connecting the call the same one that records the same.

Record calls with the integrated software

Record calls with the software that our terminal integrates from origin is extremely simple and efficient. Although not all terminals, especially with older versions of Android, will have this function as standard, many manufacturers have been adding support through their own customization layer.

Thanks to this, the call application or the sound recorder of the terminal will be in charge of recording the calls that occur on our Smartphone , thus allowing us to store calls with a phone number or contact identifier.

In the same way, we will see how the sound recording is done internally , so that we will have the same sound quality that we had at the time of the call, which, although it may not be very high, will definitely be better than the methods to be used after the problems What has Google caused these applications by blocking their pe licenses they need to work.

In principle, this is the mode we should use whenever it is available for use d ado which will be the most effective to have clear and good quality recordings.

Record Android calls with ACR

If we have a terminal with an Android version prior to Android 10, or we just want to test if this application can work correctly in our terminal, ACR is a good place to start testing if we can use these applications in our terminal reliably.

To begin, entering this link We can download the application, which, although it has a Premium version, its basic use is completely free . Once this is done, we will open the application and begin to configure it, not without first confirming that we can record calls according to the legislation that regulates us.

When we start with the configuration, we will see how the application itself informs us that it cannot associate recordings with phone numbers or contacts automatically, but we are offered the possibility of edit the names of the recordings manually to be able to organize them without major problems.

Likewise, restrictions are indicated on which calls can be recorded, excluding the calls through WiFi , the calls in messaging services such as WhatsApp , and the calls made through from third-party dialing apps.

Finally, we will be asked to configure the power management of our terminal to prevent the application from being removed from the background applications in execution, and from here we can start recording calls. However, as we mentioned, it is recommended to carry out tests, because for example in a Xiaomi Mi Mix 2s with Android (MIUI 10. 0.1) the recordings are completely empty.

Record calls on Android with Cube ACR

On the other hand, we find another application called Cube ACR that We can download at this link that makes use of the accessibility applications framework to enable an overlay that will allow us to activate or deactivate the recording when we are on a call , but above all it will allow us to really record the calls.

Unfortunately this will be done through the microphone or microphones of the terminal, so that we will suffer from a quite reduced call quality that, although not s can be used to get out of the way, it will not be really pleasant to listen to compared to the applications that come standard in more modern terminals or with the option before this in terminals that support it.

Its installation is also somewhat more complicated, because as we can see in the screenshots, after downloading and installing the application and accepting the terms and conditions of use, We will have to follow several steps to enable its operation through the Android accessibility services , as well as allow the application to start together with the terminal operating system and that the Android power management does not close it so you can always record calls come when they come.

Anyway, we have a button that will allow us to enable or disable recording at will during calls.

Implications legal to record a call

Without a doubt, recording calls on Android is particularly useful , especially when we need the recordings to use them as a test during some kind of process where a conversation is key.

Anyway, Google’s restrictions respond to a problem real privacy when it comes to recording calls made around the world , in addition to the fact that although in Spain it is mostly legal to record the calls in which we are involved, not all over the world can be so, especially if you use third-party applications that can lead to serious privacy problems.

The legal framework that surrounds the recordings of the calls we make or receive should be made clear , and in this case, we rely on the information that we can find in ILP Abogados to clarify this matter.

As it is a process that is executed in our Smartphone, we will be able to record the calls that occur on it, since it is to be expected that, if we call a person or they call us, both parties will be active in the telephone conversation, which enables us to record the conversation and even provide it as evidence in a judicial process following the following guidelines:

  • That there is no provocation, deception or coercion by part of the subject that records
  • That the recording subject is an active part of the conversation, thus turning it into his own recording

  • That is recorded in a public place, or failing that, you have authorization from the owner.

In the same way, We will not be able to record conversations of others in which we do not participate , I feel this totally illegal as the Fundamental Right to the secrecy of communications is violated (Art. 18. 3 of the Spanish Constitution).

End from the article. Tell us something in the Comments or come to our Forum!