HP S700 Pro in the test: a lot of pros, but also cons

Source: Hardware Luxx added 15th Jan 2021

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Page 1: HP S 700 Pros in the test: A lot of pros, but also cons

An SSD , which appears with the addition “Pro” in the name, basically makes you sit up and take notice. In the case of the HP SSD S 700 The IT giant can come up with solid key data that at least underpin a certain expectation. A proven memory controller, sufficient DRAM and TLC-NAND underline the pro approach. As always, we will clarify with our test course whether this can also be found in everyday life or whether there is also a contra to be discovered.

If we recently noticed the trend in SATA SSDs towards increasing capacities, the HP SSD S breaks through 700 Per this development a little. Instead, our current test candidate is only specified with a maximum of 1 TB, with the smallest model even only 128 GB offers. Of course, these capacities are hardly of interest to most users today, but as an international company, HP also uses them to operate systems that are cost-optimized down to the last resort. Our test pattern therefore represents the largest version of the S 700 Per figure.

Delivered in a high-quality box, the HP SSD S 700 Pro definitely come up with round key data. HP borders the “Pro” on the normal S 700 clearly, since the latter does not receive DRAM and thus with the SM 2258 XT controller has to make do with it.

Manufacturer information of the HP SSD S 700 Per
Model HP SSD S 700 Per (1 TB)

Controller HP H 6028 G AB (is: Silicon Motion SM 2258 (4 channels))

Cache DRAM (LPDDR3, 1 GB DRAM per TB capacity)

NAND 3D-NAND TLC, is Micron, 32 Layer (Generation 1)

Available capacities 128 GB

256 GB

512 GB

1 TB
sequential read / write rate Reading: 560 MB / s

Writing: 520 MB / s

Cooler No
Total Bytes Written (TBW) 128 GB: 80 TB

256 GB: 165 TB

512 GB: 340 TB

1 TB : 500 TB
MTBF 2 million hours

Guarantee Three Years


Approximately 107 Euro (1 TB)

< > HP S 700 Pros in the test: A lot of pros, but also cons

The HP SSD S 700 Pro in detail