Incognito app: Federal government is promoting “silent emergency calls” for women with 1.7 million euros

Source: added 28th Nov 2020

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According to statistics from the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) 2018 a woman died on almost every third day as a result of an act of violence by her partner or ex-partner. Reason enough for the Federal Ministry of Justice to work on an “incognito app” and the later operation financially with a total of 1. 698. 000 Euro between 2021 and 2023 to promote. The mobile application is intended to help women at risk of domestic violence.

Hidden app with emergency call and diary function The app project is being developed by the association “Nonviolent in the Future”, founded in Berlin in mid-June, together with partners such as the Lower Saxony State Criminal Police Office. It should not be easily recognizable on the smartphone and should enable a silent emergency call in acute dangerous situations. According to the plan, women affected can also keep a hidden diary of violence and document assaults in a secure log that is legally binding.

The application is also intended to provide a guide to the relevant authorities as well as social, legal and psychological information. The Hanover region is planned as the first test area. The idea for this came from Stefanie Knaab, who works as a research assistant at the Brandenburg Institute for Society and Security (BIGS) and heads “Nonviolent in the Future”. With her project she won a hackathon run by the federal government and has already been supported in the “Solution Enabler” program for initiatives that are particularly worthy of funding.

Means of defense “With the camouflage app we are giving those affected by domestic violence a new low-threshold offer to free themselves from violent situations”, Knaab said on Friday after a meeting with Federal Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD) confident. “For many women, their own home can be a place of horror,” explained the head of department. “Many find it very difficult to sound the alarm and seek help to protect themselves and often their own children.”

“The Corona period may have exacerbated the situation because has moved life into their own four walls, “presumes Lambrecht. Acts of violence are often not reported out of shame or fear. The Social Democrat underlined: “That is why we want to promote the development of a hidden smartphone app” that can give those affected a means of defense.

High number of unreported cases Partnership violence The BKA figures also show that, on average, all 45 Minutes a woman was injured or attacked by her significant other or ex-partner. In total there was 2019 more than 141. 000 Victims of completed and attempted crimes of intimate partner violence, 0.7 percent more than 2018. The dark field is considered large, as many deeds are not reported and are committed in secret in your own apartment.

The funding is in the draft for the budget for the federal budget 2021 planned, on which the budget committee of the Bundestag agreed on Friday night. The federal government should therefore in the coming year 498, 62 spend billions of euros, 85, 22 Billions more than planned by the federal government. The new debt increases to 179, 82 Billion euros.


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