IT security: Berlin transport companies want to be unimportant

Source: added 22nd Jan 2021

  • it-security:-berlin-transport-companies-want-to-be-unimportant

The Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) are in a clinch with the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). It is disputed whether the BVG is a critical infrastructure (Kritis) for local passenger transport within the meaning of the BSI and IT Security Act. If so, reporting and certification requirements apply. In addition, the public company would have to comply with minimum standards and maintain IT security concepts.

Kritis operators have to according to the 2009 adopted by the Bundestag, take appropriate organizational and technical precautions in accordance with the state of the art in order to avoid disruptions to your IT systems. The BVG does not want the authorities to make any regulations, writes the “Tagesspiegel”. In October the group brought an action against the requirements of the BSI at the Cologne Administrative Court.

BVG names different numbers of passengers “It works about the principle “, the newspaper quoted a BVG spokeswoman. In addition, de BVG wants to avoid fines. According to an ordinance issued under the BSI Act, transport companies are considered critical infrastructure if they transport at least 125 million passengers a year. On its website, the BVG writes that it carries over a billion passengers a year. According to the report, the company only states 30 million passengers per year compared to the BSI. The spokeswoman explained the enormous difference by saying that the billion “journeys” are meant, not individual people.

The BSI is of the opinion that the BVG does not meet its legal obligations. So she only “voluntarily” gradually provided information on four relevant control systems. This is not enough to prove systematic management of IT security.

With the IT Security Act 2.0, the Federal Government wants to extend reporting obligations to companies that are “of particular public interest” because their “failure or their impairment could lead to considerable economic damage “or to a threat to public safety and order.


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