Millions avoid public transport

Source: added 29th Oct 2020

  • millions-avoid-public-transport

The corona pandemic has caused the number of passengers on buses and trains to plummet. According to the Federal Statistical Office, approximately 71 percent fewer people were on long-distance transport from April to June than in the same period of the previous year. Long-distance rail traffic shrank by 71 percent, line traffic with long-distance buses experienced a decrease of 96 percent. In the entire first half of the year 2020 with 45 million people were around 46 Percent less long-distance public transport than in the same period of the previous year.

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In the Local traffic, which in the first half of the year 2019 accounted for almost 96 percent of all scheduled traffic, is the decline in the first The Federal Statistical Office announced that the first half of the year 2020 cannot be finally measured due to many time tickets, among other things. According to preliminary results, there were 874 million passengers 24 Percent fewer people on the move than in the same period of the previous year, in regular public transport with buses 22 and in trams – to which light rail vehicles, Elevated and underground railways as well as suspension railways count – 24 percent less.

The second Quarter of the year was marked by the Corona restrictions that had been imposed from March – schools and daycare centers had to close, employees stayed in the home office, and the cultural and sports activities were also temporarily suspended.

20 Percent fewer passengers The meanwhile low in the number of passengers in local public transport is given by the Association of German Transport Companies (VDV) as 20 percent of the previous year’s level . Nevertheless, most of the companies kept the traffic going. This is also planned in the event of renewed restrictions on public life. “However, the maintenance of an extensive public transport offer must also be financed in the event of declining fare income. Otherwise this is not affordable,” explained VDV President Ingo Wortmann. Companies are under financial pressure. The federal and state governments had therefore decided to compensate for the losses.

According to the VDV, the utilization of buses and trains is currently around 70 Percent of the previous year’s level. After years with record values, there was still a lack of tourists and occasional customers in addition to commuters, as trade fairs, concerts and sporting events did not take place or only to a very limited extent.

Last week, mobility in rural districts and urban cities took a critical 7 days -Incidence compared to 38. Calendar week (14. To 20. September) by percent. “Although factors such as the weather and tourist activity also influence the mobility of the population, mobility in the less affected regions decreased by only 6 percent in the comparison period, which is about half as much,” writes the Federal Statistical Office.

“The consequences of the pandemic will be felt for a long time” When the pre-crisis level is reached again, depends on the infection process and on the state decreed restrictions, explained VDV President Wortmann: “However, we expect that we will not

the consequences of the pandemic

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