More than 450 million personal computers were sold in 2020

Source: HW Upgrade added 17th Dec 2020

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Increases by 17% the personal computer market in 2020, but will continue to thrive in the coming years as well. Canalys expects a slight increase in current values ​​for the next year, with a number of systems that will go beyond 460 million

by Paolo Corsini published , at 16: 01 in the Market channel

Sales of PC systems characterized almost the whole year 2020 , thanks to the strong demand for new systems recorded since spring with the first spread of the global pandemic. Students forced to stay at home and workers struggling with remote work have generated a demand for the purchase of new PCs well above expectations.

From this, as Canalys certifies in its own more recent analysis, the result is a growth in volumes that will continue throughout the fourth quarter 2020 : share will be touched 143 millions of pieces sold in these 3 months, for a growth of 35% on an annual basis.

During 2020, these are the estimates, the market will have totaled sales of 458 million pieces with a growth of 17% compared to 2019 . This data includes desktop PCs, notebooks and tablets.

Canalys, in its analysis, highlights how the sales sustained by Personal Computers will also continue during 2021 with an increase of 1 , 4% compared to 2020. What is surprising, in this case, is the ability of the market to maintain the record values ​​recorded in the 2020 even with an expected return to normality over the next 12 months. In the 2021 therefore there will be sales for 464 million pieces, with a figure that will drop slightly to 461, 9 million during the year 2024 to confirm the maintenance over time of the new level of sales of PC devices.

Notebooks and tablets will obviously be the masters , with the first touching approximately quota 250 millions of pieces per year while tablets will exceed that of 150 millions of pieces. Desktop solutions suffer, destined to collect preferences for about 60 millions of pieces with a slight growth expected over the years after 2021.