Motorcycle noise: Greens demand a limit of 80 decibels

Source: added 29th Oct 2020

  • motorcycle-noise:-greens-demand-a-limit-of-80-decibels

“Noise limit values ​​apply to motorcycles. Although these are adhered to on paper, complaints about motorcycle noise are constantly increasing”, writes the parliamentary group of the Greens. In an application they therefore demand, among other things, that the type approval regulations include a noise limit value of is determined. The existing limit value of 77 decibels should be retained in your opinion for the driving ranges covered by the current test cycle.

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The current test cycles for type approval often do not correspond to real driving situations, say the Greens. “Motorcycle manufacturers have also developed various components, some of which are electronically controlled, with which motorcycles can be very noisy on the road; the legally applicable limit values ​​are adhered to on the test bench.” This principle is a blueprint for the emissions scandal, “wrote the Greens in their application Various accessories are also available, some of which legally or illegally amplify the noise.

Many people would in their homes and gardens as well as many Those looking for relaxation in scenic regions are severely impaired by motorcycle noise, believe the Greens. They also demand that all technical possibilities to make motorcycles and cars louder than is necessary for driving performance are forbidden.

Tyrolean model “Severely affected places” should initially be allowed to test the “Tyrolean model” for one season this means road closures for motorcycles em standing noise of initially more than 95 decibels. Meanwhile, the noise reduction should be continuously evaluated. If the noise is not reduced satisfactorily, noise-related speed limits as well as driving bans on Sundays and public holidays should be imposed “until effective measures to exclude particularly loud machines noticeably remedy the situation”.

“Municipalities and residents Residents are helpless because the existing regulations do not give them an instrument with which they can protect themselves from excessive and unnecessary noise, “write the Greens. In addition, the police can neither effectively control nor sanction motorcycle noise during traffic controls. Noise measurements in flowing traffic that are legally valid in court are almost impossible.

Technology against street noise Moving noise sources are to be located using a technique that is being tested in France. In the municipality of Villeneuve-le-Roi near Paris, “Médusen” were installed, consisting of four microphones hanging in different directions. The time delay when a sound arrives at a microphone, which is measured several times per second, should be sufficient to triangulate the direction of a dominant noise with the help of algorithms.

The Federal Council decided in May of this year that the permissible noise emissions of all new vehicles are limited. In future, a maximum value of 80 decibels should apply. The federal states want police officers to be able to seize vehicles immediately in the event of “serious noise violations” and to issue limited driving bans. Motorcycle noise: deaf in both ears

This is what the Greens refer to in their application. You write that the Federal Council resolution is “an unmistakable sign that there are omissions and massive need for action at this point. We want to avoid traffic bans as far as possible.” But something must be done legally for this.


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