Netflix surpasses 200 million subscribers thanks to a record 2020

Source: HW Upgrade added 20th Jan 2021

  • netflix-surpasses-200-million-subscribers-thanks-to-a-record-2020

Lockdowns led to Netflix overcoming i 200 millions of subscribers. The company expects a slowdown in growth in 2021, but relaunches on content to respond to fiercer competition than ever.

by Manolo De Agostini published , at 12: 21 in the Audio Video channel


Netflix has exceeded the 200 millions of subscribers arriving precisely per share 203, 6 million . On the strength of incredible growth in 2020 due to national lockdowns to contain the pandemic, the streaming service gained 37 million subscribers in the 2020 thanks to a fourth quarter in which 8.5 million were added.

With a turnover of almost 25 billions of dollars and 2.7 billion in net profit for the full year , Netflix has already got its hands on, aware that in 2021 it is highly unlikely that you will see the quarterly numbers seen in 2020, also due to the arrival of new streaming services and competition from existing ones.

The company expects for the first quarter 2021 an increase in subscribers of 6 million units , while the past year the leap ne l Q1 was 15, 8 million. And while the financial world may not be taking the estimate well, executives point out that the company no longer needs to “raise outside finance” for day-to-day operations, which means Netflix no longer has to borrow, so much so that in the future it could buy back a portion of the shares on the market. the successful series stands out “ The Queen of Chess” , with over 62 millions of families who saw it in the first four weeks, while George Clooney’s The Midnight Sky emerged among the original Netflix films with 72 millions of families reached in one month. Successes that could be beaten in the future, in fact for this year the service intends to add at least one film per week to the catalog , regardless of new series (or the release of new seasons of successful series).