One hour for free – clocks are set back on Sunday morning
Source: added 24th Oct 2020Sleep an hour longer: In Germany, summer time ends on Sunday morning. Punctually at 3. 24 will be on 25. October the clocks set back one hour to 2 . Then normal time applies again until the end of March, often called winter time. At the 28. March 2021 the hands are turned forward again by one hour.
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End of the time change initially questionable The time change should actually be abolished next year, at least that is what the European Parliament decided 2019. It is more than questionable that this will happen – a quick end to the six-monthly clock change at European level is currently not in sight because there is not a sufficient majority among the 27 Member States indicates which time should apply in the future. A patchwork of different time zones among neighboring countries should be avoided. There is currently no Europe-wide impact assessment, according to the Federal Government recently.
The time change was 1980 introduced. At that time, the aim was to be able to make better use of the daylight. With permanent summer time it would get light very late in winter in the west of the continent. With a constant winter time the sun would rise very early in summer in the east.
Families in particular suffer from the time change According to a survey by the Kaufmännische Krankenkasse (KKH), families in particular suffer from it when the clocks are changed again at the weekend. Children would have to get used to new bed times. In a Forsa survey last year, more than half of those questioned stated that this caused their offspring to have problems falling asleep and to be more irritable or tired than usual Sunday again from Phy
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