Personal info for 1.3 million Clubhouse users reportedly leaked online

Source: The Verge added 11th Apr 2021

  • personal-info-for-1.3-million-clubhouse-users-reportedly-leaked-online

Personal data for some 1.3 million users of the social audio app Clubhouse has been leaked online, Cyber News reported. a SQL database with users’ IDs, names, usernames, Twitter and Instagram handles and follower counts were posted to an online hacker forum. According to Cyber News, it did not appear that sensitive user information such as credit card numbers were among the leaked info. But the information could be used in phishing attempts to get users to hand over that more sensitive info.

Last week, Cyber News reported on another data breach from a social platform: it found that personal data for 500 million LinkedIn users had been scraped and posted online. The Microsoft-owned company said that no private member account data from LinkedIn was included in the leak.

That news came just a couple of days after it was discovered that personal data for some 533 million Facebook users also was leaked online for free. The Facebook leak reportedly included users’ phone numbers, birthdates, locations, email addresses, and full names.

Clubhouse had a monster first year—despite being invite-only and available only on iOS devices— seeing more than 10 million downloads. Twitter, LinkedIn, Discord, Spotify, and Slack have all launched or are working on competing social audio platforms, and Facebook reportedly has one in the works as well.

Clubhouse did not immediately reply to a request for comment from The Verge on Sunday.

Read the full article at The Verge

brands: First  It  Microsoft  Million  Monster  One  WAS  
media: 'The Verge'  
keywords: App  Audio  Facebook  Instagram  IOS  Phone  Spotify  

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