Qonto makes paper receipts obsolete

Source: HW Upgrade added 11th Jan 2021

  • qonto-makes-paper-receipts-obsolete

Qonto introduces certification with evidential value of digitized receipts: companies will be able to eliminate physical receipts, simplifying the management of expense reports and accelerating the digital transformation processes

of Alberto Falchi published on , at 14: 31 in the Innovation channel

Electronic Invoice Qonto

Qonto is the first payment institution to offer a certification with probative value that assigns to the received digits have the same legal value as the paper ones . In practical terms, companies will be able to upload expense receipts directly to the app, attaching them to transactions, thus eliminating the obligation to collect and store receipts.

How does the digitization of Qonto expense receipts work

The possibility of digitizing the expense receipts will allow companies to simplify the management of company expense reports since it will no longer be necessary to collect and store receipts. Qonto in fact issues an evidential certificate based on an electronic signature and an automatically generated digital stamp , together with the date and time of the certification itself. This information is stored and stored without time limits in accordance with the European eIDAS regulation.

The new tool offered by Qonto will allow SMEs to accelerate digital transformation processes , allowing companies to manage expense receipts in a more streamlined and totally digital way. A very useful function, especially for companies that have activated multiple accounts dedicated to teams or collaborators: individual employees will be able to directly upload the expense slips, which will then be accessible to the administrative department online, without having to invest time and resources to retrieve the receipts paper tax.

The 2020 has shown irrefutably how much digitization is fundamental for SMEs not only to ensure greater competitiveness in the medium-long term, but also for a real issue survival in the short term. At Qonto we care about the growth of businesses and we work with the aim of supporting them, equipping them with digital tools for managing corporate finances in constant evolution and designed to generate an ever-increasing degree of flexibility and efficiency “- explains Mariano Spalletti, Country Manager of Qonto Italia – “ We understand better than anyone the value that time has for a company, and it is for this reason that – first – we developed the certification and archiving service for digitized expense receipts. With this new feature we guide organizations to reap the benefits of digitization, helping them streamline administrative processes and focus on the production of value “.