Review – DeepCool AS500

Source: Lab501 added 20th Oct 2020

  • review-–-deepcool-as500

DeepCool AS 500

The calculation technique has constantly evolved in In recent years, processors, video cards, memories or SSDs have become more and more powerful, faster and faster, more and more powerful. One thing, however, has not improved over time and I am referring here to consumption and implicitly to power dissipated in the form of heat. Thus, the processors and video cards we currently use release more heat than ever before, which is why the use of a suitable cooling system is extremely important for the proper functioning of our system.

I’m not referring to malfunctions, because the processors are designed to operate at high temperatures, and the means of protection have also advanced, so there is little chance to see processor that “burned out” because it was too hot. However, the performance of our processors is directly dependent on the temperature, one of the means of protection being the reduction of the supply voltage and implicitly of the frequency when the temperature exceeds a certain threshold. In other words, if we do not have a high-performance cooling solution, we do not have the maximum performance that our system is capable of.

And lately, we can’t say that we lack high-performance cooling solutions, a whole cohort of AIOs being launched every month, while every manufacturer also occasionally launches an air cooler for those who do not have it available