Review – Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070

Source: Lab501 added 27th Oct 2020

  • review-–-nvidia-geforce-rtx-3070

Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070

The Monster Kiss was supported in beat, with a serene look scrutinizing the sunny eyes of an October morning, the cusma drawn sagaciously on his forehead and a straw in the corner of his mouth, thinking contentedly, well, well. You see, until that moment, Baciu had tested RTX 3070 FE, even tested 3 implementations from partners, tested the new AMD Ryzen processors and even if the drafts were collected one after the other. another, drafts that will have to be written at some point, in the tests chapter things were as good as it could be.

So good that even the program was set up with sanctity… a laptop on NEXT Monday, a monitor on LAB Tuesday, a phone or a smart device on NEXT Wednesday … And then the launch day, 29 October, in which the wave of reviews dedicated to RTX 3070 will flow unabated on the readers eager to information. And then the same, a phone, a smart device, a monitor, something on NEXT, something on LAB, until the other glorious day, November 5, when technology enthusiasts will crowd at the server gate, to see with their own eyes wonder… AMD Ryzen 5000.

It’s just that… Baciu had forgotten an important detail… Because 29 October had stuck so well in his mind , had forgotten that fans will receive a surprise on 27, more precisely the reviews for Founders Edition! And no, it was not the fault of Nvidia – the date 27 was clearly mentioned both on the company’s intranet and in communication with its representatives, even several times, with of the notification related to the transition to winter time. It’s just that, being caught between 4 implementations of 3070, new processors from AMD and other news that were waiting their turn on the test table, this detail had not found its way to recent memory.

So, I was not a little surprised on this sunny morning of 26 October, when the date of 27 appeared before my eyes when I was looking for some detail