Roaming in Great Britain: how much do you pay if you go to London? Here is the first information

Source: HW Upgrade added 18th Jan 2021

  • roaming-in-great-britain:-how-much-do-you-pay-if-you-go-to-london?-here-is-the-first-information

The first information regarding the cost arrives of Roaming for those in Great Britain in these and the next few days. It is no longer part of the European Union but it seems that operators, at least for now, consider it a European country.

by Bruno Mucciarelli published , at 11: 21 in the Telephony channel

WindTre Vodafone TIM Iliad Kena Mobile

Who is on the road to the Great Britain or whoever has to do it in the coming weeks will have to take into account that the Great Britain from 1 January 2021 does more part of the European Union and this could therefore make those who incur extra costs. The first that comes to mind is undoubtedly the Telephone roaming: you will still pay as if you were a European country or actually operators will place higher or extra costs? The answer at the moment seems to be clear: in Great Britain you will still pay as if you were calling from other European countries.

Roaming UK: all the same as in Europe

As said, therefore, those who are traveling in Great Britain will be able to use their telephone rates as if they were in any of the European countries. So Roaming Zero, that is the rate used in Italy or Europe is also valid for Great Britain even if this is no longer a European country. In this case the roaming information comes from WindTre which mentions this directly in its FAQ relating to the availability of Roaming.

On this page of WindTre in fact, it is possible to calculate how many gigabytes it will be possible to use in any European country based on the amount of your tariff. We know that in this case the European Union has established a formula that allows us to accurately calculate how much data traffic can be used by users while traveling.

In the FAQ on the valid countries there is the mention on Great Britain where WindTre declares :

For the United Kingdom, at the moment and until otherwise expressly indicated, WINDTRE applies the same rate valid for the countries included in the European Union.

Same what happens also with the other operators. So for the moment it will be possible to go to Great Britain (pandemic permitting) and not have problems at the level of roaming. You can use the Giga that are used in other countries of the European Union. An important choice at least for the moment that allows you not to have to pay any extra or perhaps have to activate some expensive option as is the case with countries extra europe.