Samsung is once again the first smartphone manufacturer

Source: HW Upgrade added 30th Oct 2020

  • samsung-is-once-again-the-first-smartphone-manufacturer

Samsung returns to lead the ranking among smartphone manufacturers during the third quarter 2020, taking advantage of Huawei’s well-known difficulties. Apple still does not benefit from iPhone sales 12 while Xiaomi records the stronger growth

than Paolo Corsini published , at 09: 21 in the Telephony channel

Xiaomi Samsung Huawei Vivo Apple 5G

The result recorded in the third quarter was better than expected 2020 with regards to smartphone sales globally. IDC, in its most recent analysis, reports sales for 353, 6 million smartphones in the quarter just ended with a contraction of 1.3% compared to the same period last year. A decrease is therefore present, but well below the estimate of -9% previously formulated.

To contribute to the sales of this period higher than expected sales in some emerging markets i: an example of this is India, the second largest global market by overall volume, together with Brazil, Indonesia and Russia. In all these countries the demand was higher than the estimates, formulated on a pessimistic basis by virtue of the effects of the global pandemic.

Commercial activity has been very intense in this period , aimed at stimulating consumer demand with special initiatives. This dynamic has been implemented in almost all regions, with the more developed ones in North America and Western Europe which also benefited from an initial demand for smartphones 5G by consumers . The postponement in Q4 2020 of the debut of the Apple iPhone smartphones, typically debuting during the last part of the third, certainly affected the results. quarter of the year: the effects of this launch will therefore be more evident in the last 3 months of the year.

Samsung has regained the first position among producers, with a market share of 22, 7% for a total of 80, 4 million smartphones sold in the period. Get off at the second port Huawei with the 14, 7% market share and a total of 51, 9 million smartphones. For the Chinese company, the contraction is 22% compared to the same period last year , with a stronger decline outside the reference market which is the Chinese one.

Xiaomi rises to third place with the 13, 1% of the market and 46, 5 million smartphones sold; this result is the result of an annual growth of as much as 42%, with a particularly strong demand in China and India. Apple ranks fourth with the 11, 8% of the market and 41, 6 million iPhone terminals sold in the period. For the American company, the period closed with a contraction of 10, 6% compared to last year, which can be explained precisely by the shift to the fourth quarter 2020 in the debut of the iPhone family terminals 12.

The Chinese Vivo closes the ranking of the top 5, able to sell 31, 5 million smartphones for a market share of 8.9% and annual growth of 4.2%. Also for this company the contribution of India and China was very significant, without prejudice to the attempt to expand the presence on significant volumes in the other international regions.