Samsung sells fewer smartphones in 2020 but earns 30% more. LG smiles too

Source: HW Upgrade added 10th Jan 2021

  • samsung-sells-fewer-smartphones-in-2020-but-earns-30%-more.-lg-smiles-too

The South Korean giant has published the forecast on the profit recorded in the fourth fiscal quarter of 2020. The data speak for themselves, with an increase of 29, 4 % compared to last year. Also for LG good results, the company records the personal best.

by Lorenzo Tirotta published , at 16: 01 in the Telephony channel

LG Samsung

It was not an easy year for most industrial sectors, much less for the mobile market . Although the pandemic initially affected production and trade, some brands managed to record a notable general increase . This is the case with Samsung and LG who closed the 2020 taking away a lot of satisfaction at of numbers in almost all business sectors from the previous year.

Samsung published a fourth quarter earnings indication 2020 consolidating sales by 61 trillion won Koreans (45 billions of euros) for a profit of 9 trillion won (€ 6.7 billion), translated means 26, 7% more over the same period last year.

Samsung: less sales and more useful in 2020. Why?

Data in hand, the Samsung forecasts for all of the 2020 show us a percentage change of + 29, 4% on the profit compared to 2019. Although the numbers do not prove it, the Korean giant in 2020 has suffered a sharp decline in smartphone sales, not reaching the threshold of 300 million of units sold , an event that did not happen since 2011. How is it possible that Samsung has significantly increased its profit despite the estimates speak of 30 million fewer units sold than 2019?

The secret weapon of the Seoul colossus are the other divisions. Samsung supplies chips and displays for the biggest brands in the mobile market and is estimated to be the processor sector to constitute a significant portion of the profit. The fourth quarter data 2020 shows that 4 trillion won (3 billion euros) of the 9 trillion profit come from the production and sale of chips Exynos , while only 2.3 trillion (1.7 billion euros) relate to the sale of smartphones.

Fairytale LG: + 536% in the fourth quarter of 2020

Also LG has reason to smile in 2020, the year in which registered a real personal best . The South Korean company after an almost tragic start managed to turn the situation around in its favor by obtaining the best quarter of the its history. In fact, in the last part of the year it recorded exponential growth in the household appliances and consumer electronics sector, translated into a profit increase of 536% compared to the fourth quarter of 2019.

The forecast of total profit of 2020 reveals a increase of 31% compared to last year. The numbers speak of 3.2 trillion won , about 2.4 billion euros in 2020 against 2.4 trillion won , approximately 1.6 billion euro in 2019.