Self-destruct messages will be the next WhatsApp feature
Source: Geeknetic added 02nd Nov 2020WhatsApp has been adding new functions during this 2020, such as permanently silencing groups and not having to be enabling this option again every year, and that is that Telegram is gaining ground to the proprietary application of Facebook, in this guide you can see a comparison. But WhatsApp is putting the batteries to keep its application updated including new options , although sometimes they are idea from other apps, like the latest one to be added in a future update, messages that self-destruct .
It has already been announced officially this new function, which has incorporated Telegram for quite some time, and that WhatsApp will add in a not too distant update of its application, messages that allow its self-destruction can be sent , we have been able to see the company’s questions and answers on the website how this option will be activated and all the particularities it will have.
When activating the option of temporary messages these will disappear after 7 days , no option at the moment to adjust this time. Once the temporary messages are activated, it will only affect the new messages sent, leaving the rest of the conversation intact, unlike Telegram, we can incorporate this function in any chat that we have already open . Along with the new options recently discovered, WhatsApp is working hard not only on updates, but also on adding much needed improvements to the application that the competition already has and are needed to complete its functions.
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Antonio Delgado
Computer Engineer by training, writer and hardware analyst at Geeknetic since 2011. I love gutting everything that comes my way, especially the latest hardware that we get here for reviews. In my spare time I fiddle with 3d printers, drones and other gadgets. For anything here you have me.
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