Six gadgets to help meet New Year's resolutions: e-book reader, smartband, smart scale … What else?

Source: Pure PC added 04th Jan 2021

  • six-gadgets-to-help-meet-new-year's-resolutions:-e-book-reader,-smartband,-smart-scale-…-what-else?

The New Year is a special moment in the minds of each of us. For a long time, this date has marked the moment when we plan what will change in our lives in the next 365 days. Depending on our character, these provisions may concern starting some activity or giving up something that has a negative impact on us. Unfortunately, it is not easy to change your lifestyle overnight. Therefore, many New Year’s resolutions end up with the fact that after a few weeks we just get discouraged and give up. What if there was something that would help us stick to our resolve and make it a little easier? This is where technology comes in handy. Here are six inexpensive gadgets that can help you meet your New Year’s Resolution.

The New Year has begun, and with it – the time of resolutions and their implementation. But what to do in order not to give up this time and persevere in our promises? Technology can help. Here are 6 gadgets to help us meet New Year’s resolutions.

E-book reader

One of the most frequently made decisions is that we will read more books in the coming year. Such a promise is most valuable, because the readership statistics in our country are decreasing every year. However, in today’s busy world, some people simply find it difficult to find time to read, and reading on the go and carrying books with you everywhere can be just uncomfortable. Books are not only heavy, but also easy to destroy and to lose the place where we finished reading recently. Therefore, instead of paper copies, it may be worth investing in an e-book reader, among which the Kindle brand reigns. This device can store thousands or even tens of thousands of books in its memory, it is light, handy and resistant to the hardships of everyday use. Moreover, it usually has some nice features. First of all – by opening a file with a given book, we are automatically directed to the place where we finished last, and additionally we can adjust such things as the font size and the brightness of the screen backlight, which makes it easier to read in dark rooms. Thanks to such a device, we can devote every moment of our free time to reading, which will greatly facilitate the implementation of our resolution.

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Fitness band

Another very popular resolution that we promise ourselves for the New Year is that we will do more sports, or – even exercise at all. In order to maintain a high level of motivation, it is crucial to be able to track your progress, because it is very easy to get discouraged without seeing results. Therefore, a smart fitness band is a good choice here. Such devices do not cost much and offer many possibilities related to tracking and organizing training. They can monitor the number of calories burned by us, the repetitions made, and if they are equipped with GPS – thanks to them we can track the routes of our run or cycling. In addition, most of them are also able to monitor our rest, which allows you to determine the appropriate training intervals. All this data is of course collected in the accompanying smartphone application, thanks to which we have easy access to them and we can both track our progress in training, and on their basis, for example, plan its expansion.

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Good headphones

Hardly any gadget helps in implementing New Year’s resolutions as much as headphones. They are very versatile and thanks to them we can help ourselves in achieving many goals. If we want to exercise, good, motivating music can help a lot. If our goal is to read more books, why not reach for audiobooks? And if we want to be more productive at work, nothing helps us better than cutting ourselves off from our surroundings. So what kind of headphones should you choose? First of all, if we value comfort and convenience, it is worth considering the TWS model, i.e. wireless. In addition to the quality of the sound itself, let’s pay attention to whether the pair we are looking for has ANC (active noise reduction), thanks to which we can cut off from the sounds of the environment and work or exercise in peace. The prices of such headphones are decreasing every month and today it is not difficult to get good quality with really little money.

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Heater of tobacco

A lot of Poles still smoke cigarettes, and many New Year’s resolutions are related to the desire to reduce smoking. After all, we all know how harmful cigarette smoke is to the smoker and to the smoker himself. Therefore, perhaps on the New Year it is worth getting a tobacco heater, also popularly known as IQOS after the name of the most popular model. It is a device that (as the name suggests) heats the previously pressed tobacco, supplying the body with nicotine, but without emitting unpleasant odors and without causing discoloration on the skin and teeth. The most important advantage, however, is much lower (studies even say about %) the amount and concentration of harmful substances compared to cigarette smoke produced in the process smoking traditional cigarette. And it is cigarette smoke and its tar, not nicotine, that is the leading cause of cigarette disease. So if we are disturbed by an addiction, but we do not have the willpower enough to end it on the move, it will be a good move to buy such a heater. Thanks to it, we will harm ourselves and the environment less.

IQOS 3 Duo tobacco heater review – back to menthol

Smart Bathroom Scale

Too high weight is slowly becoming a very popular disease of civilization also in Poland. Therefore, a large part of New Year’s resolutions is about losing two, five or maybe more kilos. Here, however, as in the case of sports, the key issue is to accurately track and analyze your progress and draw conclusions from the collected data. If we use a regular weight, it will only tell us how many kilograms we have, but it will not let us know what these kilograms make up. Therefore, it is worth looking for a scale that, in addition to this information, will conduct a thorough analysis of the body composition. All because thanks to this data we will know how our weight loss process is going. Often, if we want to lose weight thanks to exercise, our total body weight does not change, but the fat under the skin is displaced by much heavier muscles. With this information, it will be much easier for us to stay motivated, especially as modern bathroom scales also send all measurements to the smartphone app, which makes tracking the weight reduction process much easier.

Smart scales test: Huawei, Xiaomi, Fitbit, or maybe Hoffen?

Guitar neck protector

Who among us would not like to become a rock star or even be able to play focal classics to play with friends? Unfortunately, learning to play guitar can be a tedious and frustrating process if we don’t know how to go about it. Fortunately, technology can also help us here, because you only need to search for a while to find special guitar caps (eg Fret Zealot) that will help you learn to play. When placed on a fretboard, they will illuminate it in specific places, showing us on which frets we should press the strings to play specific chords. Thanks to the built-in tutorial companion applications, we will learn the basic techniques of the game, and the huge library of songs, to which the overlay can show chords in real time and make us quickly learn our favorite songs. Such a device will guide us through the most difficult stage of learning, allow us to see the effects of our work and can be the beginning of a very pleasant adventure with the guitar.