Squadron 42 – Star Citizen's story campaign is a distant future. The creators draw conclusions from the premiere of Cyberpunk 2077

Source: Pure PC added 28th Dec 2020

  • squadron-42-–-star-citizen's-story-campaign-is-a-distant-future.-the-creators-draw-conclusions-from-the-premiere-of-cyberpunk-2077

The end of the year is the period of summaries of the past months. It’s no different in the case of Cloud Imperium Games studio, whose founder, Chris Roberts, decided to share an extensive letter to Star Citizen fans on the official blog. He discussed, among other things, what progress has been made on the much-anticipated simulator, which is still in the alpha stage of development, and plans for the future. Unfortunately, as predicted, the game will not see the light of day soon, having the status “will come out when it’s ready”. In the entry, Chris Roberts also mentioned the Squadron story campaign 42, which is to precede the premiere of the ambitious Star Citizen space simulator. Except that this mode should not be expected soon …

Star Citizen’s story campaign, baptized as Squadron 42, “will come out when it’s ready”. Chris Roberts, founder of Cloud Imperium Games studio, suggested that he does not want to make mistakes with the premiere of Cyberpunk 2077.

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Work on Star Citizen has been going on for almost a decade and there is no end in sight. The waiting was to be made even more pleasant by the independent fictional campaign of Squadron 42 with a star cast (including Gary Oldman, Mark Hamill, Andy Serkis and Gillian Anderson ). Unfortunately, we have bad news for you. There is still a lot of work ahead of Cloud Imperium Games, and this mode is far from complete. Squadron 42 “will be ready when ready.” It will be released only when all the content is at a sufficiently high level, and the game and the technology used are fully developed.

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Chris Roberts admitted that he is not going to make any compromises and the release of Squadron 42 hurriedly and cut corners would be a disservice to the whole team who put so much heart into this project. “In recent years, I have seen more than a few eagerly anticipated titles that were released before they were fixed and fully polished,” which probably goes for until the recent premiere of Cyberpunk 2077. Beta-tests announced in 2014 on Squadron 42 were supposed to start a long time ago, most recently in the second and third quarter 2020 of the year, which could not be met. However, the studio has decided not to release any new gameplay or release date – the developers want to make sure that they will be able to deliver the game quality in a timely manner before announcing it. Despite the protracted work on the simulator, fans are still willing to support Star Citizen financially. Only in 2020, the authors managed to collect over 80 million dollars, almost twice as much as last year. Unfortunately, even for Squadron 42 we can wait a few more years, let alone Star Citizen …

Source: DSOGaming, RSI