Steam cracks (almost) the 25 million user mark

Source: Hardware Luxx added 15th Dec 2020

  • steam-cracks-(almost)-the-25-million-user-mark

The year was not only for private individuals, but also for companies 2020 undoubtedly a rather difficult one. The global consequences of the pandemic and the nationwide lockdowns hit small and medium-sized businesses particularly hard, but caused an unexpected economic upturn in some areas of the economy. Above all, the consequences of the global economic slump seem to have left tech companies almost without a trace. So it is not surprising that Steam now draws attention to itself with another record message.

With 24. 805. 106 simultaneously registered users the game service achieved its previous record from March, where slightly more than 20 Millions of people were online at the same time, again outbid by almost 4.8 million users. The recent autumn and winter sales as well as the appearance of the long-awaited shooter role-playing game Cyberpunk 2077 certainly contributed to this that the interest in the game platform is currently so high. Games such as Apex Legends, which is now also available on Steam, PUBG and CS: GO.

The greatest aspect of the user -Record could have played a major role, but were certainly the restrictions caused by COVID – 19. It is not entirely clear to what extent these figures will also be representative in the coming years. However, after the crisis has been overcome, these should settle further down.