Super Productivity 6.0: Free task management with WebDAV synchronization

Source: added 27th Oct 2020

With version 6.0, the Super Productivity project updates its free software for task management. The most important innovation is the synchronization of data via WebDAV. The protocol is responsible for the exchange of files and directories over the Internet. So far, only Google Drive and Dropbox were available for this. With WebDAV, the user is independent of commercial providers and still does not have to open any additional ports on his firewall.

In addition, the task list project has a new design lost. You can also set up your own background images. There are also many other changes and bug fixes that interested readers can find in the changelog on GitHub. Instructions from the developer for practical use of the tool are available on

Everything done … Super Productivity manages tasks of the user, but also records the time spent with them. Functions such as a Pomodoro timer are also included. It is a completely free project under the MIT license, there is explicitly no cloud connection or account requirements.

If desired, Jira, GitLab and GitHub can be integrated, the tool imports assigned tasks and then informs automatically

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brands: Google  
keywords: Cloud  Google  Internet  Software  

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