Survey on e-scooters: a quarter of users do not know the alcohol limit

Source: added 20th Oct 2020

  • survey-on-e-scooters:-a-quarter-of-users-do-not-know-the-alcohol-limit

According to a recent study, a quarter of e-scooter users in Germany do not know the current alcohol limit. This was the result of a representative Forsa survey commissioned by the German Road Safety Council (DVR). Almost half (49 percent) of the respondents stated that the same limit values ​​apply to e-scooters as to other motor vehicles. 20 Percent assumed that the alcohol limits were the same as for cyclists.

Alcohol limit values ​​as for motorists In fact, the same alcohol limit values ​​apply to e-scooter drivers as to motorists . Anyone with 0.5 to 1 per mille commits, according to ADAC an administrative offense and receives a fine. This usually means: 500 Euro, 1 month driving ban and 2 points in Flensburg. A criminal offense exists if the driver of the vehicle drives despite a blood alcohol concentration of 1.1 parts per thousand and more.

Even when it comes to where the e-scooter is Road traffic are allowed, the survey revealed gaps in knowledge among the drivers: 18 percent stated that it was Generally allowed to drive an e-scooter on sidewalks in urban areas. 27 Percent said that this was only allowed if it was expressly approved by an additional label. According to ADAC information, driving an e-scooter on the sidewalk is subject to a fine of up to 30 euros.

In the summer of this year, for the first time since the registration of the new e-scooter, reliable accident figures were available: From January to March 2020 the police registered a total of Accidents in which people were injured or killed.

One dead and dozen seriously injured According to the Federal Statistical Office, an e-scooter driver died during this time. 39 became severe in accidents with so-called small electric vehicles and 182 slightly injured. For comparison: In the same period there was 12. 700 Bicycle accidents in which people were injured. 52 Cyclists were killed, 2052 became heavy and 10.431 slightly injured.

E-scooters have been since 15. June 2019 approved in Germany. The police records accidents with these vehicles separately, but only since January 1st 2020. The companions may be between 6 and 18 kilometers per hour. You don’t need a driver’s license.

Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer (CSU) launched the e-scooter for a “real additional alternative to the car” for the “last mile” from home to the train station or from Advertised bus to the office. In the meantime, however, almost every second citizen would like to ban e-scooters from road traffic again. In a representative survey from May on behalf of TÜV Rheinland 39, 4 percent said that the electric scooters should be withdrawn from road traffic approval

For the current investigation on behalf of the DVR, the 11. to 24. August 1003 people from 14 years questioned who since the introduction d

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