Telegram already exceeds 500 million active users

Source: Geeknetic added 12th Jan 2021

  • telegram-already-exceeds-500-million-active-users

by Antonio Delgado 2 hours ago

Telegram has emerged strongly in recent years as an alternative to WhatsApp, with functions in many cases superior but with a smaller number of users. However, little by little more and more people try Telegram, and the social network itself, owned by Russian Pavel Dúrov, has just announced that have managed to surpass the 470 millions of active users having received more of 25 million new accounts in the last 72 hours.

More of 24 millions of new accounts have been created in telegram after the modification of the terms of use of WhatsApp

The reason for this “exodus” would be behind the changes to the terms of use of WhatsApp, which now requires sharing the data of the instant messaging service with Facebook, owner of the company. Although these terms and the transfer of data do not affect users in the European Union, it seems that it has been enough for millions of users around the world to try Telegram as their messaging service.

Although growth is great, Telegram numbers are still far from WhatsApp

With those 500 millions of active users, Telegram is positioned as one of the most important alternatives to WhatsApp, however, they are still very far from the number of users who use the popular instant messaging application owned by Facebook with its nothing more and nothing less than 2. 000 million active users, data that the company published in February of last year.

In these guides we teach you how to delete both the WhatsApp account and how to delete the Telegram account.

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Antonio Delgado

Computer Engineer by training, editor and hardware analyst at Geeknetic since 2011. I love gutting everything that comes my way, especially the latest hardware that we get here for reviews. In my spare time I fiddle with 3d printers, drones and other gadgets. For anything here you have me.