Tesla reaches half a million electric vehicles produced in 2020

Source: HW Upgrade added 04th Jan 2021

  • tesla-reaches-half-a-million-electric-vehicles-produced-in-2020

Tesla vehicle production in the course del 2020 has exceeded quota 500. 000 cars; about 9 out of 10 are Model 3 and Model Y, the two latest families to arrive on the market

by Paolo Corsini published , at 10: 01 in the Technology channel


The 2020 closes with record production and sales levels for Tesla, capable to exceed the threshold of half a million vehicles produced in 245 days. Specifically, the company announced that it had touched 509. 737 cars manufactured during 2020 , while taking into account the problems encountered in their factories in California and China in the spring with closures linked to the global pandemic. During 2019 the company had produced approximately 367. 500 vehicles, while the 2018 was closed at quota 55. 000 vehicles approx.

During the period the company totaled 499. 550 deliveries of vehicles to customers, touching the threshold of half a million even if the count is not yet definitive and could register a slight increase such as to touch the ambitious goal. Most of these cars are from the Model 3 and Model Y families, with just over 450. 000 vehicles produced during the year; for Model S and Model X the total production is slightly less than 55. 000 cars.

It is interesting to note that this result is perfectly aligned with the forecasts formulated by Elon Musk , founder and CEO of Tesla, in an interview released during the 2014. At that time Musk had stated that he was confident of achieving the sales target of 500. 000 vehicles per year in 2020 thanks to its own Gigafactory.

“I feel confident that we will be able to achieve at least half a million cars a year by 2020 “- @elonmusk in 2014 pic. twitter.com/n0FCO8dg4b

– Pranay Pathole (@PPathole) January 2, 2021

During the month of March 2020 Tesla has produced its own car number 1 million , another important result achieved by the American company. It is conceivable that Tesla’s sales results for the year 2021 will be higher than those just recorded, thanks mainly to the contribution of the new Model Y. Sales of this car began in March 2020 in the United States, with production at the Tesla factory in California; over the course of 2021 the Tesla factory in Shanghai is expected to contribute with the production of approximately 250. 000 Model Y cars and this will be joined by the new European factory in Berlin.