The Chinese mission Chang'e-5 is about to return to Earth with samples from the Moon

Source: HW Upgrade added 15th Dec 2020

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The Chang’e-5 mission is about to come to an end with the scheduled landing for tomorrow of the capsule that will bring back the Moon samples to Earth (the last time was with the Apollo missions). The return should take place in the evening, Italian time.

by Mattia Speroni published , at 15: 01 in the Science and Technology channel

After the launch, the arrival in lunar orbit, the collection of samples and the phases of reintegration into the lunar orbit, the Chinese mission Chang ‘ e-5 is preparing to return to Earth with the precious load of samples collected on the Moon . We recall that since the end of the Apollo missions in the years’ 70, they were no longer reported on our planet lunar samples. This is therefore a very special occasion.

Chang’e-5 is almost back to Earth

After the lander had finished collecting samples and the capsule had been sealed and brought into lunar orbit by the ascender. A few hours later the latter had transferred to the orbiter modules- returner who were at approximately 100 km above the surface of the Moon. The ascender was then deorbited and returned to the surface to end his days there. However, the mission was not yet completed!

The 13 December with an ignition of the engines there was the transfer of Chang’e-5 from the lunar orbit to the Moon-Earth transfer one. Everything went well and now there are just a few hours left until the actual return to Earth (in Mongolia).

In the last phases of return there will be other critical moments that could jeopardize the end of the mission. In fact, when the probe is very close to our planet (the monitoring of this phase also takes place thanks to ESA) it will use the atmosphere to slow down but also to divert its trajectory and then land correctly where expected.

All that remains is to wait for tomorrow to know the fate of Chang’e-5 and of the precious lunar samples . Landing should take place between 18: 30 and the 19: 00 (Italian time) but there may be some changes as these are estimates of enthusiasts who are monitoring the mission from the ground. We do not yet know how the CNSA will spread the news of the capsule’s return and recovery. There are currently no official video streaming or other releases.