The corona vaccine is coming: How to proceed now

Source: added 21st Dec 2020

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The first vaccine against the coronavirus should now get the green light – the EU authorities decide on the preparation from Biontech and Pfizer. The EU Medicines Agency (EMA) will present its assessment this Monday; The EU Commission will then decide on the formal approval in the EU on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU ) adjusted the citizens to teething problems with the vaccinations. “It will jerk at the beginning,” he said on Sunday evening in the report from Berlin (ARD). “We are as well prepared as possible, but now it’s getting concrete.” When the vaccination centers start up, it will be important to learn together. There will be little vaccine at first. “It’s just tight for everyone at the beginning. But that was also always known.” Great Britain had in the first twelve days 300. 000 people can vaccinate. “We will also be able to achieve that in the first few days,” said Spahn.

The answers to the most important questions: How many vaccination doses does Germany receive?

Initially it should be around 400. 000 Give doses of the agent BNT 162 b2 from Biontech / Pfizer. According to the Federal Ministry of Health, three to four million doses could be available in January. In the first quarter, Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) expects 000 to 13 Millions of vaccine doses. Since the preparation has to be administered twice, this amount would be sufficient for approximately 5.5 to 6.5 million people. Overall, the federal government has secured around 250 million cans – from Biontech and other manufacturers – via an EU-wide key and national agreements.

How is the vaccine distributed throughout Germany?

The The federal government has the preparation delivered to a total of 13 fixed locations in the federal states, depending on the proportion of the population. From then on, the federal states are responsible for storage and distribution as well as the procurement of vaccination accessories such as solvents, syringes and needles.

How does that work logistically?

The Mainz-based company relies on its US partner Pfizer. According to Biontech, this can store the vaccine doses in its worldwide distribution centers for up to six months. This must be done at minus 70 degrees. The preparation can be transported at these temperatures in specially developed shipping boxes for up to 15 days. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days.

Where is the vaccine produced? How long does it take?

Biontech and its US partner want to worldwide 50 Deliver millions of doses. 2021 will then be produced up to 1.3 billion – for example in Mainz, Idar-Oberstein and Marburg. Up to 200 million cans should come from the production facility in Marburg in the first half of the year. The company said it would take a week to manufacture the vaccine. Quality control and approval then took another three weeks. In addition, like other manufacturers, Biontech had already been stockpiling before approval.

Where are the vaccinations made?

In the initial phase in regional vaccination centers set up and operated by the countries. A cooling of minus 70 degrees is not possible in every medical practice. Up to 442 vaccination centers should be available throughout Germany. Tens of thousands of doctors and other helpers have registered for work. Mobile vaccination teams should go to nursing homes and hospitals.

When do the first injections start?

After the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has given the go-ahead and the EU Commission has been approved, Germany wants to start with 27. Start December with vaccinations. In the days in between, the federally owned Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) wants to check and approve the vaccine batches.

What about the other vaccines ?

The EMA wants to make a decision on the Moderna preparation by January 6th. In addition to the 300 million Biontech cans, the EU has also 160 Millions secured by Moderna. At Astrazeneca (400 million doses) and Janssen Pharmaceutica (doses for 400 million people ) the EMA has started its tests. In addition, the EU Commission has contracts with Sanofi-GSK (250 million doses) and Curevac (405 Millions); Brussels is in talks with Novavax (200 millions). The vaccines are distributed among the member states according to the proportion of the population.

Does the vaccine work worse with the newly emerged virus variant?

Probably not. “I don’t see any reason for alarm at the moment,” says Richard Neher from the Biozentrum at the University of Basel. Andreas Bergthaler from the Austrian Academy of Sciences (CeMM) in Vienna does not consider the current development to be “incredibly alarming” either. It is not uncommon for mutations to appear, it is currently not known whether the observed changes have a decisive influence on the properties of the pathogen.

Who can get vaccinated first, who has to wait the longest?

According to the federal vaccination ordinance, older people should initially have 80 years and nursing home residents can come into play, as well as staff in emergency rooms or corona wards as well as in elderly care. Overall, this group of the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) comprises around 8.6 million people. Among those who should be vaccinated urgently least, are generally people under 60 years who have not pre-existing conditions, nor come into contact with high-risk patients or meet many people due to work. That corresponds to about 45 million people.

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