The digital civil service is born: a plan to improve citizens' digital skills

Source: HW Upgrade added 29th Dec 2020

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Memorandum of understanding signed between the Minister for Technological Innovation and Digitization Paola Pisano and the Minister for Youth Policies and Sport Vincenzo Spadafora

by Rosario Grasso published on , at 10: 41 in the Innovation channel

The Digital civil service is a new plan of the Government aimed at improving citizens’ digital skills and promoting the use of digital public services , as is can read on the website of the Ministry for Technological Innovation and Digitization. The initiative aims to facilitate collaboration between the public administration, institutions and citizens .

Thousand digital facilitators provided by the Digital Civil Service

The relationship between public administration and citizens is an aspect that has been neglected for many years in Italy, and a backward factor is certainly the poor digital competence of the average Italian citizen. The new program will be structured around one thousand volunteer operators employed as ?? digital facilitators ?? during the first year of experimentation. Operators will be trained to operate on the territory, in neighborhoods, in local communities and in public spaces.

Does the Protocol fall within the aims of the program ?? Digital Republic? ? promoted by Minister Pisano to counter the digital divide, also of a cultural nature . The public notice for the presentation of projects concerning the digital civil service will be published at the beginning of the new year on the website of the Department for youth policies and universal civil service .

The program became necessary following the allocation of digital services to meet the difficulties that the health crisis is behaving. However, some segments of the population encounter difficulties in using the new digital services.

?? The girls and boys of the digital civil service – said Minister Pisano – will be committed to helping citizens, starting with the elderly and those who are less familiar with technologies, to obtain and use the new digital services of the Public Administration such as the Public Identity System digital (Spid) or the app ?? I ?? to access public services from mobile. I strongly believe in the passage of technological skills from the youngest and most technological to less digital generations and that is why I have spent myself since the beginning of my mandate to carry out this project. IS?? above all the task of the state to ensure that no citizen is left behind, in particular those who have more difficulties in using new digital services. If digitization does not concern everyone how can we talk about ?? digital revolution ????? .

The Minister Spadafora explained that ?? during the lockdown thousands of girls and boys made their technological skills available to help their family and friends stay connected, despite the distances imposed by the pandemic, and take advantage of digital services of Bodies, Institutions, offices, associations. IS?? it was a spontaneous response that allowed in a short time a digital leap to many citizens less used to using new technologies. IS?? a push that we must not lose, which is why I am very happy with the Protocol signed with my colleague Minister Pisano, which will allow a first experiment in the 2021 of the digital civil service, and which can be better exploited in the near future also thanks to the Next Generation EU plan ?? .