User loss: Facebook postpones changes to terms and conditions on WhatsApp

Source: Hardware Luxx added 18th Jan 2021

  • user-loss:-facebook-postpones-changes-to-terms-and-conditions-on-whatsapp

After the WhatsApp alternatives such as Signal or Telegram reported a massive increase in users in the past few days, Facebook is now also reacting and moving the introduction of the new terms and conditions for the time being. As the company announced, the new data protection regulations only apply from 15. May 2021. Originally, these should apply to all users from February 8th 2021. The social media platform would like to use the additional time to adequately educate users about the changes.

The planned exchange between Messenger and Facebook is particularly daunting at the moment. Here one has already countered and Niamh Sweeney, Director of Policy at Whatsapp, published a statement on Twitter. The manager made it clear that nothing should change in Europe. However, the majority of users should by no means trust such statements.

Thus, the topic of data protection seems to be currently in society. At the moment, the number of users for both Signal and Telegram is still far from reaching WhatsApp’s level. Around two billion people are currently using this service. In second place is Facebook Messenger with a total of 1.3 billion registered users. In the recent past, Telegram only broke the 320 million mark.

Should the Social -Media platform, however, continue as before, the user base should continue to shrink. As soon as advertisements appear on WhatsApp, other users are likely to turn away. In addition, the service could become less and less attractive for Facebook. Ultimately, the company finances itself through the marketing of personal data and the insertion of advertisements.