User numbers: Netflix reports a new record

Source: Hardware Luxx added 20th Jan 2021

  • user-numbers:-netflix-reports-a-new-record

With the ongoing corona pandemic and the tightening of exit restrictions, 2021 most people only live in their own four walls. The internet provides the necessary variety. Whether online shopping or streaming films and videos, many online providers are among the winners of the pandemic. Netflix has also enjoyed great popularity since the global outbreak of the COVID 19 – Virus .

This is now also reflected in the recently published user numbers. Netflix was able to increase the user base by around 8.5 million subscribers in the past few months. Overall, the company now has just under 200 million paying customers. However, it is currently unclear whether the provider will be able to retain its subscribers after the pandemic. At the moment, many are likely to only use the streaming service for lack of alternatives.

In addition to Netflix, Disney also recorded a significant increase in paying subscribers last year. The same applies to HBO Max. All streaming services are currently receiving increased traffic. In addition, the end of the flagpole is still a long way off. Another service is already in the starting blocks with Paramount +. It remains to be seen whether the numerous providers will ultimately be able to establish themselves or whether the increased fragmentation of the streaming market will cause the number of viewers to decline.

Although individual providers can certainly convince one or the other user to take out a subscription with exclusive content, they must continuously deliver new content in order not to run the risk of losing customers again . It is true that the licensing of old series and films could address a corresponding audience, but there are enough alternatives available with on-demand services.