“Welding from the home office?” Business is resisting pressure to work from home

Source: Heise.de added 14th Jan 2021

  • “welding-from-the-home-office?”-business-is-resisting-pressure-to-work-from-home

In view of the continued tense corona situation and concerns about the spread of new virus variants, Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) has appealed to companies to offer as much home office as possible as quickly as possible. “We need, wherever possible, the possibility for employees to work from home, where it makes sense and possible, and immediately,” said the SPD politician on Tuesday after talks with HR directors from several large listed companies.

Industry representatives disagree Employers and industry representatives oppose stricter requirements for companies, about a home office obligation. They received backing from Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier (CDU).

Heil spoke of an urgent appeal to companies and HR managers. He is glad that many companies are already doing this in an exemplary manner. The appeal goes to those who have not yet done so. The union-related Institute for Macroeconomics and Business Cycle Research (IMK) also called on companies and administration to make greater use of home offices.

Less home office than in the first wave “We now have to ask ourselves where the number of infections can be reduced with the least possible economic damage,” said IMK boss Sebastian Dullien to the editorial network Germany (RND). In April 2020 14 percent of employees worked from home, but in November it was only been 14 percent. At the moment, the number is possibly a little higher again. “But obviously the high home office rate in April also significantly reduced the number of new infections, and companies were able to continue working at relatively low costs. These people could now work from home again.”

The Federation of German Industries (BDI) and the employers’ association BDA have rejected stricter requirements for companies. The new BDI President Siegfried Russwurm made it clear that the use of home office had to be decided by the parties to the company on site. The industry appeals to all companies to use the home office as much as possible, said Russwurm. “And quite a few do that too.” But nobody knows what works and what doesn’t work better than the local operating parties. “Welding from the home office” has not yet been invented.

More pressure on the economy In the debate the pressure on the economy had recently increased. CSU boss Markus Söder had also announced talks with companies to create more opportunities for employees to work from home. Söder had brought concrete targets into play. Green parliamentary group leader Katrin Göring-Eckart announced on Tuesday a motion from her parliamentary group in the Bundestag this week: “It must be clear: people everywhere have to be able to work safely. Whenever they can (and want) from home, they have to employers are obliged to allow this. ”

BDA General Manager Steffen Kampeter called a possible obligation to work from home” unnecessary “in the ZDF morning magazine and “useless”. This would not reduce the number of infections. Kampeter also referred to the Bundestag, which is meeting in attendance this week. There are obviously places in presence that are safe, where one can work together.

Disagreement in the government Altmaier told Zeit Online: “We shouldn’t patronize the companies, many of which are struggling for their survival, with additional coercion and regulation”. Home office is certainly still expandable in some areas. “As far as we know, companies are not sources of infection, with the exception of incidents in the meat industry.”

Heil emphasized: “We must do everything we can to prevent workplaces from becoming sites of infection . ” Nobody wants to have the entire economy lockdown. “The tapes are running, and it should stay that way if possible.” Where work at home is not possible, for example in areas of the manufacturing industry or in retail, the occupational health and safety standards must be strictly adhered to )

Read the full article at Heise.de

brands: Boss  First  local  New  Office  One  Wave  
media: Heise.de  

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