WhatsApp and privacy: no longer 8 February, the new rules postponed

Source: HW Upgrade added 16th Jan 2021

  • whatsapp-and-privacy:-no-longer-8-february,-the-new-rules-postponed

With an official statement WhatsApp communicates having postponed the date to accept the new privacy terms

by Rosario Grasso published , at 08: 51 in the Telephony channel


There continues to be a lot of concern about recent communications on the change of WhatsApp privacy rules and increased integration with Facebook. WhatsApp in recent days had repeatedly tried to reassure users on the sharing of their data through the app of WhatsApp, but has now decided to make an even more peremptory decision, postponing from February 8 to 15 May the entry into force of the new rules on privacy .

WhatsApp, new privacy rules: from 8 February to 15 May

“We are aware that our recent update has created a bit of confusion. Given that the circulation of incorrect and not truthfully caused concern, we want to clarify and make sure that everyone understands the principles on which we are based “ reads the official website of WhatsApp .

“We have postponed the date on which we will require our users to review and accept the terms. On February 8, no accounts will be suspended or deleted. We will continue to work to clarify incorrect information regarding security and privacy on WhatsApp. Gradually, and according to the timing of each, we will invite our users to review the information before 15 May, when the new business options will be available “.

WhatsApp refers to the fact that a account suspension could take place if the new terms are not accepted After the first communications, also as the company rightly points out in this blog post, some false information on the network had led users to believe that the Facebook account is mandatory in order to use WhatsApp . WhatsApp had categorically rejected this hypothesis.

The real problem that lies behind this situation, if anything, is another, and it is more far-reaching. the ability of modern social networks to instill themselves in people’s lives ed i shape their thinking , with important consequences on society and politics. A pervasive integration between the three social networks in the hands of Facebook would create anti-competitive conditions that are to be avoided in the United States, as well as in Europe.

Regarding latest update of WhatsApp is still pointed out on the official blog as the changes introduced “concern new optional options available to users who wish to communicate with companies on WhatsApp and offers greater transparency on how we collect and use data. At the moment the use of WhatsApp to make purchases it is not widespread. However, we believe it is important that you are aware of this service, because in the future more and more users will choose to use it. We would like to reiterate that this update does not increase our ability to share information with Facebook “.

Finally, WhatsApp rightly remarks that it ?? contributed to the spread of end encryption -to-end worldwide ?? , and ensures that ?? continue to work to defend this security technology both today and in the future ?? .

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