Wind farms in the North Sea produce more electricity than ever

Source: added 20th Jan 2021

  • wind-farms-in-the-north-sea-produce-more-electricity-than-ever

The wind power plants in the North Sea delivered more electricity than ever before. Overall, the amount produced increased by , 4 percent on 22, 60 Terawatt hours (TWh), such as the network operator Tennet in Bayreuth communicated. In addition there were 4, which remained practically unchanged compared to 2019, 13 TWh from the Baltic Sea, which, however, do not belong to the Tennet supply area.

One fifth of German wind energy Overall, German offshore wind power plants thus produced 2020 almost 26, 9 TWh electricity, im The year before it was 24, 38 TWh. To the total wind power production in Germany from good 122 TWh (2019: 122 TWh) controls offshore thus 20, 3 percent (2019: 19, 97 percent) at. With the total wind power, almost 26 million households could be supplied, with offshore wind power plants almost seven million Households.

The capacities in the North Sea, i.e. the output of the wind turbines installed there, increased from 6436 to 6679 megawatts. In practice, however, this theoretical capacity is not fully utilized because not all wind power plants are running at full speed at the same time. The maximum value for the feed-in power on January 2nd was 2035 megawatts. This corresponds to the output of six to seven large coal or nuclear power plants.

According to industry information, offshore wind power plants can generate around 60 use percent of their performance; the rest is lost through lulls, curtailments, and downtime for maintenance and repairs. This yield could increase in the medium term, for example through technological advances such as hydrogen production. Under the current conditions, offshore wind energy will replace around four conventional large-scale power plants.

Target exceeded Tennet’s capacities for The transport of the North Sea electricity to the mainland is 7132 megawatts significantly higher than production. The federal government’s target of 6500 megawatts for 2020 is thus exceeded. Until 2030 the Federal Government has as its goal 20. 000 megawatts specified.

“The North Sea will be the new powerhouse of Northwest Europe”, said Tennet managing director Tim Meyerjürgens. Tennet will increase its offshore capacities up to 2030 to around 17 Increase megawatts. Including the planned expansion in the Dutch offshore grid by 8200 megawatts, this means investments of 20 Billion euro. In addition, Tennet wants to build a first cross-border wind energy distribution hub with a capacity of twelve large power plants through Denmark, the Netherlands and up to 2035 in the North Sea Germany should be supplied with wind power from the North Sea.


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