What’s on your desk, Becca Farsace?

If you buy something from a Verge link, Vox Media may earn a commission. See our ethics statement. Many people who used to commute to an office every day have passed the six-month mark as remote workers, and we are now working from home offices, dining room tables, desks set up in the corners of… Read more


Micro-chips: Auto industry laments supply bottlenecks

Europe’s carmakers remain vulnerable – even if many of the destroyed supply chains have only just been repaired after the Corona crash. But an indispensable group of components is missing more and more frequently: semiconductor modules, the heart of all electronic systems and microchips. Some auto production lines have to close again because supplies are… Read more


Brief information: car production, Facebook, DisplayPort 2.0, file sharing

Bottleneck in chip production slows down car production The shortage of electronic chips for cars causes manufacturers and Suppliers for growing problems. Now Audi will also send approximately 10 in the coming week. 000 Employees in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm on short-time work. In December, Volkswagen reported bottlenecks in semiconductors and applied for short-time work for… Read more


Bottleneck in chip production is slowing down car production

The lack of electronic chips for cars is causing growing problems for manufacturers and suppliers. Now Audi will also send approximately 000. 000 Employees in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm on short-time work. Volkswagen had already reported bottlenecks in semiconductors in December, “now it has overtaken us too,” said an Audi spokeswoman on Thursday. Volkswagen applied for… Read more


L-Acoustics Creations’ 10-driver Contour XO earbuds promise ‘live music’ sound

Home News (Image credit: L-Acoustics) L-Acoustics Creations – a division of L-Acoustics (the French firm behind what we called the “futuristic and fantastic” 24-channel ‘Island’ sound system) – has released a pair of in-ear monitors with no fewer than 10 drivers and a price tag starting at €1350. Some creations, indeed. The new Contour XO… Read more