
This speaker uses dancing ferrofluid to visualize music

A speaker made by artist Dakd Jung, spotted by Gizmodo, visualizes music with ferrofluid, a liquid filled with tiny magnetic particles. The ferrofluid, a viscous black blob, reacts to an electromagnetic device and dances around in sync with the sounds being played. The video shows Jung’s process for putting the speaker together: treating the glass… Read more


Completion of the investigations into the car toll – Scheuer is questioned again

The Bundestag committee of inquiry into the failed car toll is on the home straight after more than a year of work. The opposition sees accusations against Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer confirmed. The CSU politician is still in office. He denies allegations. Three meetings of the U Committee are planned for this week. On Monday,… Read more


Corona vaccine is distributed – “Gradually return to normal life”

In Germany and other countries of the European Union, the first vaccine against Covid is on Saturday – 19 has been delivered. Around ten months after the outbreak of the corona pandemic in Europe, vaccinations are due to start this Sunday – not only in Germany, but also in Italy, France and numerous other EU… Read more


Parcel delivery in favor of the inner cities? Trade rejects proposal

In the middle of the Christmas business, an initiative from the CDU causes a stir. The idea: a fee for parcels that online retailers send to their customers. This is intended to finance a “city center fund” that will benefit stationary retail. This has been particularly hard hit by the corona pandemic with the shop… Read more