
Germany ID: Verimi and Fraunhofer want to develop a joint login service

A new alliance is preparing to stir up the market for login services with a master key for many web services. Verimi has teamed up with the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security (AISEC). Both want to combine their concepts submitted for the “Secure Digital Identities” competition of the Federal Ministry of Economics (BMWi) into a “Germany ID” (DeID). The aim is to develop a uniform standard for secure digital identities in Germany and Europe and to stand up to the data-hungry ID services from Facebook and Google, for example.

The partners want to advance the project as part of the BMWi’s innovation competition Showcase Secure Digital Identities (SDI). Verimi is supported by companies such as the Allianz Insurance Group, Axel Springer, Bundesdruckerei, Daimler, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Telekom and Lufthansa and has previously led the “People-ID” consortium at SDI. The AISEC, which 2019 started the open source service Re: claimID, was previously represented there with “SDIinNRW”.

More than “single sign-on” Under the umbrella of DeID, around 35 partners from research, Economy and public administration at BMWi for the planned three-year implementation phase. In addition to the cities of Bochum and Bonn and the companies Governikus, Procilon and the Sparkasse finance portal, according to Verimi, this also includes 1 & 1 Mail & Media GmbH, which belongs to United Internet and operates the webmail services GMX and The parent company is also involved in the local Verimi alternative NetID, for example with the TV stations ProSiebenSat.1 and RTL. Axel Springer announced in April that it would be represented in both German login alliances in the future.

In addition to a “single sign-on” service, So that users do not have to constantly create new accounts with associated passwords, DeID is intended to bring together numerous locally, distributed and centrally aligned identity solutions for everyday-relevant applications in many sectors across different levels of trust. Initially, pilot projects are planned in North Rhine-Westphalia and Hesse, for example with administrative services, the e-prescription as well as with banks and insurance companies (account opening).

According to AISEC expert Marian Margraf, the main challenge at DeID is this to establish an ecosystem for electronic identification (eID). This must meet “high security requirements” and still be easy to use by all citizens and also with a smartphone. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the security functions of various current mobile devices and to integrate data protection in a transparent and easily traceable manner.

Uniform standards for the overarching acceptance of digital identities are required by all application partners from business and industry the public sector, says Verimi Managing Director Roland Adrian for the project. A broad acceptance for an online ID card is also “the urgently needed catalyst for digitization in Germany”. According to observers, German login services have so far not been able to make up much ground in competition with their competitors from Silicon Valley. The SDI jury is expected to decide on the award of state funding by mid-December.



Home office, Corona and US election: record data throughput at DE-CIX

The Frankfurt Internet hub DE-CIX recorded a record data throughput on Tuesday evening. Shortly after eight o’clock in the evening the value rose to 10 Tbit / s for the first time. In addition, the group reported further top values ​​at the locations New York, Madrid, Marseille, Istanbul and Dubai.

This is not the first record that the operator of the Internet node was able to announce this year. In March, at the beginning of the corona pandemic, the data throughput in Frankfurt rose to 9 Tbit / s for the first time. According to DE-CIX, the pandemic and the associated home office for many workers in particular lead to high demand on the Internet.

Compared to the previous year, the value rose by around 40 Percent: In November 2019 this was still around 7.1 Tbit / s. According to DE-CIX, such high increases are unusual, the data throughput usually grows at around 10 percent annually.

US -Voice, video streams and gaming In addition to the high number of people in the home office, the US election currently also contributes to the high data throughput. In addition, the demand for entertainment on the Internet continued to grow, with video streams and computer games being primarily responsible here. For example, the value of 10 Tbit / s corresponds to the simultaneous playback of over 2.2 million HD videos.

Dr. Thomas King, CTO of DE-CIX emphasized that the Internet can deliver such high data rates and is stable. Now it is a matter of further increasing the quality of the data transmission.



Spotify will work on the Apple Watch without the need for an iPhone connected to it

by Jordi Bercial 3 hours ago

The application of Spotify for the Apple Watch is beginning to receive the option to receive music or podcasts without having to connect to an iPhone , as long as we have a version of the Apple Watch that has Internet connectivity, either by WiFi or by mobile data, so that for now we will not be able to listen to music without connection through the download function.

As we can see in 9to5Mac, there are several users around the world who have begun to see this possibility in their watches , although as it seems to be a staggered launch, This possibility is not yet available in all watches, so if we cannot see it in our unit, we will simply have to wait a while longer.

Be that as it may, Spotify has confirmed to Engadget that this launch is part of the company’s approach to developing experiences that allow users to listen to Spotify wherever and whenever, regardless of the device from which they do it , so it is possible that eventually the option to listen to music offline appears in the application.

To be able to opt for this option, we will only have to update the application to the latest version and wait for it to activate if it does not immediately.

End of Article. Tell us something in the Comments or come to our Forum!

Jordi Bercial

Avid enthusiast of technology and electronics. I messed around with computer components almost since I learned to ride. I started working at Geeknetic after winning a contest on their forum for writing hardware articles. Drift, mechanics and photography lover. Don’t be shy and leave a comment on my articles if you have any questions.