
No, Sean Connery did not write a mean letter to Steve Jobs

A fake letter from Sean Connery to Apple co-founder Steve Jobs is making the rounds on social media following the actor’s death on Saturday. Just to reiterate: it’s fake, the product of humor site Scoopertino, which posts satirical articles about Apple and goings-on at its Cupertino (get it that’s the name) headquarters.

The typewritten letter dated 1998 purports to show Connery’s outrage over Jobs asking him to appear in an Apple commercial. “I do not sell my soul for Apple or any other company. I have no interest in ‘changing the world’ as you suggest,” it states. “You are a computer salesman, I am fucking JAMES BOND!”

But the internet loves things that are too good to be true, and Sunday morning, the “letter” was circulating on Twitter.

Jon, I respect your views but please look at the research debunking this letter. It hurts us all when good people circulate fakes.

— Steven Levy (@StevenLevy) November 1, 2020

So, it does sound like something Connery might have said/typed, but I think the first giveaway is the little “007” watermark in the lower right corner of the letter. Connery tried for years to break free of James Bond, and by 1998 he had moved on to other roles.

And as our friends at CNet noted, the fake letter also went viral in 2011 thanks to another unsuspecting Twitter user.

As with anything on the internet, always remember to trust but verify. In this case, trust that this “letter” was a parody— and kudos on whatever SEO magic you did here Scoopertino, because it’s clearly evergreen content. Which we usually love in the internet business, but only when it’s true.


Internet Archive will show fact checks and background information in future

There is a lot on the Internet, including many that are questionable – that is why the Internet Archive has made it its business to make corrective information available on some archived websites. In some cases, this can be background information to put misleading statements into context; in other cases it is fact-checking that is intended to correct earlier false statements. The Internet Archive presents its new project in a blog post.

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fact checks linked As Mark Graham writes in his blog post, the Internet Archive has begun to display links to such annotations in the saved snapshots of a webpage when a user of the Wayback Machine – the search engine with which one searches the archive rummages – comes across a questionable page. The archived website remains unchanged, only a yellow background is displayed between the header with the search engine information and the snapshot of the website.

Fact checks or background information on a The Wayback Machine will show the archived website with a yellow bar.

(Image: Internet Archive /

This additional information comes partly from various fact-checking institutions and partly from the websites concerned, if they later corrected their own representations or withdrew them with justification.

Preserve digital history, add context Graham emphasizes that the aim is to continue to preserve the ‘digital history’, but is also aware of the problem that this gives access to false or misleading statements from a wide variety of sources. With the links to further information it is hoped to give the users of the Wayback Machine more context for a better understanding of the contents.

The blog post gives three examples in which context information is displayed: For example, a link to the fact checkers of Politifact, which makes a statement in a CNN Correct Report on Debate on US Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare; a link to a report by Graphika exposing a text on as part of a disinformation campaign; as well as a post on, which was withdrawn from the website itself because it violated the rules of Covid – 19 – Reporting violated.

The Internet Archive works with the following organizations to contextualize its archived content:, Check Your Fact, Lead Stories, Politifact, Washington Post Fact-Checker, AP News Fact Check , USA Today Fact Check, Graphika, Stanford Internet Observatory, and The blog post does not provide any information about the scope of the links or the number of documents already viewed.

( tiw)


US stock market: Biggest weekly loss since March – bad numbers for tech companies

Disappointing quarterly reports from well-known tech giants such as Apple and Facebook weighed on the US stock exchanges on Friday. In addition, the new corona infections, which have triggered sharp price drops since Monday, continue to cause concern. The at times heavy daily losses in the Dow Jones Industrial fell sharply in the last hour of trading.

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Biggest loss since March Ultimately, the Wall Street Index declined at a moderate discount of 0, 59 Percent on 26. 501, 59 Points from trading after losing almost 2 percent at times. The minus since the beginning of the week amounts to 6.5 percent, his monthly loss to 4.6 percent. The Dow has not slumped so strongly – on a weekly or monthly basis – since March.

The market-wide S&P 500 returned on Friday at 1, 21 Percentage on 3. 269, 96 points after. The Nasdaq 96 atone for 2, 62 Percent on 11. 052, 95 counter and thus lost 5.5 percent in the past five trading days. This also means the largest loss since March for the Nasdaq selection index. The monthly minus adds up to a more moderate 3.2 percent.

Business climate improves, consumption increases Better than expected economic data initially only had a positive effect at the start of trading and dampened losses. The business climate in the important economic region of Chicago deteriorated less than expected in October. In September incomes and consumer spending also rose more than forecast.

Biggest disappointment: Apple Apple was the main disappointing company: The delayed market launch of the iPhone 11 broke the technology heavyweight a profit decline in the past quarter. For the success-spoiled share, which only climbed to a record high in early September after a share split, it fell 5.6 percent at the end of the Dow. In the course of the year so far there is still a plus of 50 Percent to book.

Facebook sagged at the end of the S&P 100 by 6.3 percent. Although the business of the social network benefited from the fact that more companies were relying on digital platforms during the Corona crisis, Facebook also warned of considerable uncertainty in the coming year. Among other things, reference was made to the unpredictable development in the advertising business due to the pandemic.

Twitter and crisis profiteer Amazon: shares lose value The world’s largest online retailer Amazon is also one of the beneficiaries of the Corona crisis and reported a great business, as the trend towards shopping on the Internet continues. The shares gave up 5.5 percent. Since the beginning of the year they have increased in share price by around 70 percent already went extremely well.

The downward trend was particularly steep for the papers from Twitter with a discount of around 21 Percentage, which is the largest daily loss since 2014 suffered. The short message service gained only one million new users in the past quarter, despite the great attention it received from the US election campaign. That disappointed the investors immensely.

Google parent company wins Alphabet shares jumped 3.8 percent. Booming advertising income and a strong cloud business ensured a leap in profits at the Google parent company in the third quarter despite the corona pandemic.

The euro was 1,

at the end of Wall Street. dollars traded. The European Central Bank previously set the reference rate in Frankfurt at 1, 1698 (Thursday: 1, 1704) dollar fixed. The dollar cost 0, 8549 (0, 8544) Euro. On the US bond market, the futures contract for ten-year Treasuries (T-Note-Future) lost 0, 24 Percent on 100 ,13 Points. The yield on the ten-year bond was 0. 501 percent.



10 years of E-Perso: online ID should be sent directly to the smartphone

The Federal Ministry of the Interior is celebrating ten years of electronic identity cards: On November 1st 2010 the “E-Perso” in credit card format was introduced. For the first time it contained an RFID chip that was not familiar to all users. This should enable secure electronic identification on the Internet. A success story for the interior department: “Over 62 million Germans already have an identity card with the chip and thus an online identity card.”

No special reader required The E-Perso is actually in use with the electronic one Proof of identity (eID) but hardly any: According to the “E-Government Monitor 2020” of Initiative D 21 only six percent of the respondents have used the online identification function – just as few as 2019. Politicians have removed one major hurdle for use: a special USB reader is no longer necessary. Since 2017 Android smartphones with NFC chips have been able to read the eID, since the end of 2019 also iPhones .

So far, online identification via mobile phone has not been running smoothly. Even Bernhard Rohleder, managing director of the IT association Bitkom, noticed that the connection with the smartphone is “a bit more complicated” and takes “a little longer”. Due to the high security standards, it “doesn’t work the first time either,” he complained on Deutschlandfunk. In addition, it is “rather exotic applications” such as viewing your own Stasi documents that can be activated via the eID function.

Interior Minister Horst Seehofer sees it differently: Admission – you can apply for all of this with your electronic identity card. ” During the coronavirus pandemic alone, between February and August 62 percent more uses of the eID were registered – starting from a very low level.

More services are to be available “And we are working with industry to ensure that online ID cards are used even more widely in the future can “, emphasizes the CSU politician. To make it as commonplace as the cell phone itself, “we’re simplifying identification on the Internet – without compromising on security,” praised Seehofer. “In the future, every citizen will be able to save their online ID directly on their smartphone.” “In the future, online identification will be possible directly in the device – without the identification card,” they say. The Optimos 2.0 project funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics is known so far. The ID data is to be integrated into a security chip in the smartphone. So far, only one manufacturer has supported the project with Samsung.

The application options for online ID cards are also increasing rapidly, assures the interior department. The federal and state governments worked together on the basis of the Online Access Act to ensure that the authorities offer more digital services. For “legally compliant customer identification”, more and more companies have also accepted the eID. Anyone who buys a SIM card or eSIM, for example, has to identify themselves to the mobile phone provider. With the online ID card this is “done within seconds” on the Internet.

From January onwards, EU citizens will have the eID card with online ID card. Citizens of third countries can also use an eID with their electronic residence permit. In order to promote the function, the Ministry of the Interior has also had the identity card portal revised. From Monday onwards, interviews about online identification with representatives of companies and authorities will be published there every day for a week.



Missing Link: Female Internet Hat Trick – Trend or Signal?

Last week Mirjam Kühne chaired the meeting of the Community of European IP Address Administrators, des Réseaux IP Européens (RIPE) for the first time. Since March 2019 Mirja Kühlewind has been head of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) and the American Alissa Cooper will hold the reins of the most important one until next year Standardization organization for the Internet, the IETF, in hand, and she too was the first woman in this role. As different as the three women are, their example could set an example.

What is missing: In the rapid world of technology, there is often time to rearrange the many news and backgrounds. At the weekend we want to take it, follow the sidewalks away from the current, try different perspectives and make nuances audible.

A logical choice and farewell to volunteering It doesn’t matter who you talk to about the new RIPE boss: In the field of Internet governance organizations, everyone knows Kühne, and many call her an almost logical choice. At the beginning there was still anger about the “squatting”. Because Kühne, previously an employee of the operational arm of the RIPE, the RIPE NCC, was unable to fall back on her employer as a sponsor like previous RIPE bosses.

She has therefore terminated her contract as a RIPE NCC employee and since May is not only the first female, but also the first full-time RIPE boss. The idea of ​​rewarding work is not entirely new – and even the first RIPE chairman, Rob Blokzijl, was temporarily honored, has now revealed Blokzijl’s successor and current CEO, Hans Petter Holen – but it means saying goodbye to the old system of volunteering for the RIPE – Chair. But no one holds that against Kühne, she is far too popular and a recognized veteran.

Internet veteran: The bridge builder 1999 it was Kühne who picked up the recently resigned managing director of the then founded RIPE NCC, Axel Pawlik, from Schiphol Airport when he arrived for an interview for the newly created post. Before that, she checked the IP address assignment to the networkers from the very beginning, remembers Hans-Peter Dittler from Braintec Consult. She first drove to the beer garden in Vondelpark with Pawlik, he remembers, and Dittler got the internet addresses requested for a large telco.

The computer scientist only worked for a few years with a degree from of the TU Berlin and contracted between 2005 and 2009 at the Internet Society (ISOC). There she brought the IETF Journal to the start and then brought ideas back to the RIPE NCC. Back at RIPE, she soon took over building the RIPE Lab and went from Community Builder to Senior Community Builder. The bridging between the developers, the security experts, academics and more and more government representatives were automatically part of their business area, as well as the cooperation between IXPs and the local Network Operators Groups (NOGs).

Cohesion and modernization To bind new members to the RIPE and to bring the community together Welding is high on their agenda, Kühne assured the RIPE plenum on Friday 81. “Diversity is not enough,” said Kühne. “We also have to integrate new participants so that they feel part of the community, and we have to reach the next generation and encourage them to actively participate.”

The cohesion might be that The main challenge for the new RIPE Chair, acknowledges Pawlik. RIPE membership stretches from Europe via Russia to the Arabian Peninsula and in recent years has increased from the originally small circle to far beyond 81. 000, especially because everyone wanted to get a piece of the IPv4 cake in the end . In November 2019 the last IPv4 addresses were assigned.

Now there are only returns – and IPv6. The big run is over and the RIPE has to adjust to shrinking back to a new normal level. This means that on the one hand you want to take money into your hands to reach the larger community and, as Kühne hopes, to involve them better. On the other hand, you will have to save and part with one or the other project.

This is not primarily the task for Kühne, but for the new CEO, who has already announced an inventory . But the corresponding decisions can create additional conflicts of interest among members. Moderating them will be Kühne’s job, as well as navigating through jurisdiction and regulation that are increasingly confusing for the address administrator.


Spammers Nazi shot dead in Canada

Davis Wolfgang Hawke, American Nazi of Jewish descent, is dead. The man was one of the biggest spammers in the world at the beginning of the millennium, until AOL called him in 2004 sued. Instead of facing the process, the spammer went into hiding. 2017 he was shot, but only then were investigators able to identify his body.

In June 2017 the body was found in a burned-out vehicle on a forest road near the coastal town of Squamish in British Columbia. The dead man was known locally as “Jesse James” for climbing. Because Hawke lived under a false name, it took more than three years for his identity to be clarified. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) homicide investigators who are investigating the case are seeking information. The police have not yet given any information about possible motives or suspects.

From chessboard to penis enlargement Youth photo of the Jewish SS fan

Hawke, who 834 as Andrew Britt Greenbaum was born, changed names frequently. As Bo Decker, for example, he sold Nazi devotional items and memberships in racist organizations. As Walter Smith or David A. Wallace, he played chess at a high level. A decade and a half ago, Hawke was one of the most prominent members of the dregs of the Internet. As a spammer via e-mail and phone he used a number of other names.

He raked in money with fraudulent “products” such as at best ineffective preparations for penis enlargement called Pinacle, alleged herbal Viagra or growth hormones. Hawke also knew how to enrich himself with promises such as vehicle warranty extensions, access to government subsidies or e-Bay success secrets. At that time he claims to have invested the fortune made with spam in precious metal and to have buried it.

Anti-spam laws 1999 illuminated Telepolis using the example of Hawkes how spammers make their sales and who actually falls for “Want a BIG Penis?” mail and orders. The following year the book Spam Kings appeared in the the journalist Brian McWilliams shed light on the spammer scene at the time, above all Davis Wolfgang Hawke.

Read a review of the book Spam Kings in iX 4 / 2005. Not only e-mail users but also the major e-mail providers of the time groaned under the load of countless fraudulent e-mails. You successfully lobbyed legislators for anti-spam laws; US President George W. Bush 2003 signed the CAN-SPAM Act . In the following year, US Internet companies sued some of the worst mass spammers.

Escape from million dollar lawsuit AOL sued Hawke and several accomplices. For example, while Hawke’s spam partner Bournival was negotiating a settlement, Hawke went into hiding. Because he did not face the civil action, a default judgment was issued by 12, $ 8 million against the spammer Nazi. Heise onlines Hal Faber chose the culprit 2006 for one of his “What was. What will.” -Summer puzzle.

In search of the alleged precious metal, AOL considered digging up properties belonging to the perpetrator’s family, but finally refrained from doing so. Hawke probably used the money for his way of life and to support his confused misanthropic ideas.

From the Führer to the laughing figure 1999 Hawke registered a large Nazi rally in Washington, DC. With considerable use of personnel and vehicles, the police cleared streets and squares for the racists. But apart from anti-fascist counter-demonstrators nobody turned up, as the video documents.

Failed Nazi deployment in Washington

The others Neo-Nazis had found out that Hawke’s father was Jewish, which made the would-be leader a mockery of the scene. That Hawke insulted his mother as a “racial traitor” who could be punished with death, and portrayed his father as a stepfather to be sterilized, no longer helped the young Jew hater. His Nazi mass march suddenly lacked the Nazis.

In the same year, Hawke’s mother Peggy Greenbaum told Rolling Stone the wish that someone might kill their son. 18 Years later this wish was fulfilled.

Claim in America Online v. Davis Wolfgang Hawke et al, filed March 9 2003 in the U.S. Federal District Court for eastern Virginia. On May 2 2004 the court passed judgment by default against Hawke, Jacob Brown and Mauricio Riuz above 12.834. 553, 82 US dollars plus interest. (ds)


The best free games for Android

Advantages and disadvantages of free games on Android

Thanks to our phone we can take advantage of the dead times to read , check the internet or the mail and play some games, if we have downtime on public transport or on breaks we can play a game that we have at hand and that is quick games, in this guide we are going to teach you the best games for Android , we have a guide dedicated to the best free games for iPhone here.

Android is a operating system with a much higher share than the rest in the market, we can take advantage of this device as a portable console in a casual way , in situations where we have time we can entertain ourselves with any of the games that we have installed. In the Play Store there are games for everyone , free and paid games, to play short games or adventure games with a much longer duration.

Generally these type games casual are of the Free to Play type, this means that you can download them for free to play , but that have in-app purchases or advertising to support the development of this game. Within the free games there are the type pay to win , which you will need to make some disbursement if you want to evolve or advance in the game.

Free games with advertising or micropayments

The main advantages of this type of free to play games is, as the name suggests, that they are free , also are casual and do not require much attention or dedication to continue, simply the skill that you acquire throughout the game. For example, the famous Candy Crush we will have to put together 3 candies of the same color to pass the screen, as you advance they get more complicated levels with different goals to achieve.

On the contrary, these types of games also have their disadvantages , if We continue with the example of Candy Crash and if you already have a little experience, the levels begin to be more complicated and we have limited lives to try to pass the level, when lives are over we will have to wait a while for them to recharge, or we have the option of paying to recharge lives in addition to being able to buy power-ups and objects to make us more easy to win the game.

Pay to continue in the game

It is possible that these types of games offer you these objects and advantages for free initially or during the l play to encourage purchase. In addition, on some occasions we will be unable to advance further in the game or evolve our character , in this case we will have to make a purchase to obtain that necessary power-up and continue playing, These are called Pay to Win , in which if you do not make this purchase, you will be stuck.

An example of this type of game is Clash Royale , where you will have to pay if you want to level up your cards quickly , you can also pay for open the chests ahead of time which will give you a slight advantage compared to those who have not paid anything and are at the same trophy level as you.

Whatever the type of game, paying or not is your choice, you can leave the game if you see that at any time it is necessary to make a payment to continue or advance, there are thousands of games in the play store but we are going to leave you os 12 best games for Android.

The best games for Android

In this section we are going to classify the 12 best games for Android from the tenth to the first , there are varied themes and all free , although if you wish you can pay for extra items.

12 – Asked

This is the typical quiz game that has several game modes , in the classic one, which is the most used, you will have to do turn the roulette wheel and correctly answer the question of the theme that has come out to continue with the turn and win your opponent, answering more questions than him.

The game has integrated advertising with extra rewards when watching sponsored videos or a store where you can buy items for the pet, buy lives, correct answers or gems, where you will clearly acquire an advantage over your partner, we could say that this game is of type Pay to Win .

9 – Gardenscapes

This time you will incarnate in the skin of a character who decides to completely remodel his garden , for this we will need stars that we will gain as we go solving the puzzles that presents, with a theme similar to Candy Crash, but with the addition of the decoration of the huge garden, we will have to form rows of colors to get the increasingly complicated objectives that he proposes to us to win the star and carry out the next mission.

With Gardenscape we will also have a limit of lives to consume , after these we will have to wait half an hour for each life that is recharged with a maximum of 5, although It is possible to buy a pack of enhancers with infinite lives for a while for a few euros in their own store, in this game they offer us these enhancers as a reward, but for free.

8 – Candy Crush

This is the typical game for fast and casual games , in this way we can play practically anywhere and with very little time spent, the puzzle game consists of putting together candies of the same color and complete the missions that are indicated, more complicated as we advance levels.

This game has limited lives , and when we lose we will have to wait Take some time to recharge lives, although we can also share our progress with friends on social networks to get rewards or buy power-up packs and lives for a few euros .

7 – Sonic the Hedgedog

A classic of the platforms of Sega’s hand, the hedgehog has to go through the screen until it reaches the end without being eliminated , you will have to catch rings To obtain greater rewards, at the end of each phase there is a final boss that you will have to defeat. Each 100 rings you will get one life and each 98 the possibility at the end of the phase to play the dream of Sonic to get the gem , get them all.

This game is free if we play it with ads that will appear at the end of the levels, on pause or before starting to play, but not during the game. This would be another example of a game Free to play with advertising .

6 – Pokemon Go

In this Niantic game we will have to move through the streets of our city to find and capture Pokemon , you will travel through a real map where they can appear anywhere, there are poke stops where you can get pokeballs and objects to attract and catch more Pokemon , you will have to catch them all taking into account the places where they can appear and the time of year, for example, water-type Pokemon can be seen more by sources, rivers or the sea.

You might take a good walk and find quite a few Pokemon to catch, pokeballs are a limited resource and you can’t visit a poke stop twice in a row to get more pokeballs, you will have to wait a while, or You can buy Pokemon coins with money and exchange them for these pokeballs or other available objects. It is not an advantage over others, but it does facilitate the capture of Pokemon.

5 – Brawls Stars

In this game, from the same company as Clash Royale, we will form teams of 3 players where the objective of the game is the team that has the greatest number of gems. at the end of the time they will have won the game, you will have to defeat the enemy to remove their gems or take them from the center of the screen before them, at the end and win the game you will get coins to improve your character .

In this game also we can get these coins by paying in the store included in the game, we can buy coins to get these improvements without having to play and win games, leveling up much faster.

4 – PUBG Mobile

As in e l PC game, but adapted to the screen of a mobile phone, we will have to fight against the 100 remaining that fall on the map from the plane to survive the last one, we will have to explore all the corners to go making us with equipment and weapons with which to defeat the enemies while keeping an eye on the circle that is closing in order not to be left out of the field of play.

In PUBG Mobile we can buy the season pass as usual in these games , as we gain experience and we finish games we can go unlocking objects aesthetic for our character. If we have the season pass these objects will be less common and more exclusive.

3 – COD Mobile

The Call Of Duty Mobile is one of these games that are not fast games , here we will have to have something else of time, when you reach level 4 after playing some games of 5 against 5, you can enter in the Battle Royale mode , like the Modern Warfare that we tell you here. You will have to defeat 100 enemies to be the last and win the game to acquire points that will make you increase the level and obtain rewards.

We can obtain weapon and character upgrades by exchanging the coins that will give us the end the game, also you can buy a premium season pass to get better items every time we win a game and level up.

2 – Fortnite

Everyone knows Fortnite, a Battle Royale in the one that we will have to face on an island 100 rivals , either individually, in pairs or teams of 4, as soon as we jump off the flying bus, we will fall in an area of ​​the island and have We will have to go exploring to get weapons and fleeing from the storm that is closing the game area, we will have to be the last to win the game , unlike the other Battle Royale, here we can build shelters, ramps, stairs, etc.

Fortnite is not a casual game where the games have their duration, buying your season pass in addition to the free cosmetic objects we will get additional ones, this is a game Free to play , since the objects obtained do not offer any improvement beyond a different aspect.

1 – Among Us

In this game you will have to discover the murderer or assassins , while doing the assigned missions, the traitor can boycott these missions or even assassinate one of the players, then will lead to a meeting in the form of a chat of the remaining players to try to identify the murderer or murderers. You have a guide on Among Us here.

This game is free of type Free to play , in it we can find ads between game and game or as a small window, we have the option to pay to remove these ads, although it is possible play without paying anything, we can also pay a few euros to dress our player with different costumes, hats or accompany him with a pet.

Play without paying on Android

There are games for all tastes, if you want to play games to spend some time with good graphics you have Fortnite, PUBG Mobile or Call of Duty Mobile, in these games you can buy objects in their store to level up in some cases and in others only cosmetic accessories.

Also other games seen here are of a more casual type , where a quick game in Some free time can relieve stress or entertain us if we have nothing better to do. A couple of screens of Candy Crush, or Gardenscapes are done quickly, or who knows, we can run out of lives and not have passed it and have to buy some extra lives in your store.

In any case, you We have left the best Android games of varied themes in which it is perfectly feasible to play without paying absolutely anything whenever you play for fun, if you want to compete you have many power-ups, coins and infinite lives to spend your euros on the succulent offers that they often prepare with packs in their own stores.

End of Article. Tell us something in the Comments or come to our Forum!